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张之洞于光绪十六年(1890年)七月正式选定汉阳铁厂厂址,十月动工兴建,十九年九月基本竣工,二十年五月开炼(二十五日升火二十七日流出第一炉铁水),二十二年四月由盛宣怀招商承办。此谓之汉阳铁厂的官办时期。对张氏创办汉阳铁厂一举,当年即屡遭朝野的訾议,日后长时间来论者更是多所贬损,时人也每每因袭陈说,迄未有个公正评价。因此,就其是非得失进行实事求是地检讨,将或有助于张之洞这一历史人物的全面评价,也或有助于对洋务派的部分活动及某些洋务企业的认识,而且还会对我们今天正确借鉴历史的经验教训,有所裨益。 应当说,张之洞于19世纪90年代创办铁厂是符合当时中国历史实际的.国内对于铜铁的需求量日益增加,所需钢铁材料基本上亦购自外国。光绪十五年张之洞任两广总督时在《筹设炼铁厂折》中,曾引用海关贸易总册所载前此三个年分各省进口钢铁材料的数字:十二年各省进口铁条、铁板、铁片、铁丝、生铁、熟铁、钢料等类,共一百一十余万担,铁针一百八十余万密力(一密力为一千针),合共铁价约值银二百四十余万两;十三、十四年未录数量,其价值分别为二百一十三万余两和二百八十余万两。而靠我国的土铁土钢,不仅从品质上就是从数量上也无法供应,是不待言的。 张之洞选厂址于汉阳是否得地利? 如上所述,张 Zhang Zhidong in the Guangxu sixteen years (1890) July formally selected Hanyang iron factory site, started construction in October, 19, basically completed in September, twenty years in May open refining (twenty-five second fire Out of the first hot metal on the 17th), April Sheng Sheng Xuanhuai Merchants undertake in April 22nd. The so-called Hanyang Ironworks official period. Zhang Hanyang iron foundry factory in one fell swoop, in that year repeatedly repeated opposition by the government, the protractor to be more derogatory for a long time in the future, when people often attack Chen said, so far there is no fair evaluation. Therefore, seeking a realistic review of its merits and losses will help or contribute to the overall evaluation of Zhang Zhidong, a historical figure, or help to understand some of the activities of the State Council and some western-style enterprises, It is helpful for us to correctly draw lessons from history today. It should be said that Zhang Zhidong founded the ironworks in the 1890s in line with the historical reality in China at that time, and the domestic demand for copper and iron was on the rise. The steel materials required basically were also purchased from foreign countries. During the 15 years of Guangxu’s reign of Zhang Guangdong as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, he quoted from the Customs Trade Bulletin the import of steel materials for the three years prior to the establishment of the two provinces: , Iron plates, iron plates, wire, pig iron, wrought iron, steel and other materials, a total of more than 1.1 million Tam, more than 180,000 iron needles (a density of 1,000 stitches), a total of iron The value of silver worth more than two hundred and forty thousand two; thirteen, fourteen years did not record the number of its value were more than 2,133,000 two and more than two million two hundred. And by our soil iron soil steel, not only from the quality is also unable to supply, it is not to be said. Zhang Zhidong election site in Hanyang whether the location? As mentioned above, Zhang
符号库系统是航空摄影测量内业测图的基本,本文重点介绍了在Virtuo Zo全数字摄影测量系统中怎样针对不同的情况来建立适合项目的符号库系统。通过灵活运用符号库系统能大大地提高作业员的工作效率,减小人为误差。
【正】 在北京宣武门外,用现行的地号来说是宣武门外大街五十一号,座落着歙县会馆。这是明代属于南直隶,清代属于安徽省徽州府附郭的歙县的人们,在北京建立的设施。一九四三
【正】 哈密维王的历史从1697年清政府授予维吾尔族首领额贝都拉为“哈密回部一等扎萨克达尔罕”(意为世袭封建主)始,至1931年新疆省政府实行“改土归流”——废除哈密王的世