
来源 :中国钢笔书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llongll
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第七回千丝万缕作衣衫常得君王带笑看衣食住行,衣排首位。我们分为五类字根,一是衣;二是冠,即冒免允;三是巾,巾可以是头巾,即帽子的一种,也可以是手巾毛巾;四是丝,做衣冠的材料;五是冬,即终,表示丝的终结。衣字的形象源于古代的交领衣服。我们从古装电视剧可知,古代衣服有交领和直领。左右在胸前交叉为交领。直领则在胸前平行地直垂下来,一般是女子服装或官员、员外在家时所穿衣服。上面是身上穿的衣。还有头上穿的衣,即头衣,现在称帽子。但上古文献中没有帽字,直至秦汉时期, The seventh countless thousands of sweaters often get rid of clothes, food and clothing line, clothing ranked first. We are divided into five categories of roots, one is clothing; second is the crown, that is, take the risk free; three is the towel, the towel can be a headdress, that is, a hat, towel can also be a towel; Fourth, silk, clothing materials ; Five is winter, that is, that the end of silk. The word clothing image from the ancient cross-collar clothes. We can see from the costume drama, the ancient clothes have cross-collar and straight-line. Cross on the chest around to cross collar. Straight on the chest in straight parallel down, usually a woman’s clothing or officials, members of the clothes worn at home. Above is the body wearing clothes. There are headdresses, that is, the first coat, now called the hat. However, there is no hat in the ancient literature until the Qin and Han dynasties,
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