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为利用小麦杂种优势,世界上先后发现了20多种近亲植物细胞质的小麦雄性不育体系。其中T型不育系被认为相对优点较多,一直是小麦杂优育种的基本材料。但多年研究证明,T型不育系在小麦品种中恢复系极少,大多数不育系种子皱缩、恢复度不高,增加了选育杂交小麦的难度。七十年代以来,各国研究者另找途径,日本学者常胁1978年育成具有粘果山羊草(Ae.Kotschyi)细胞质的小麦野生变种斯卑尔脱 In order to utilize the heterosis of wheat, more than 20 kinds of wheat male sterility system of cytoplasm from inbred plants have been discovered in the world. Among them, the T-type CMS is considered as a relative advantage and has been the basic material of heterosis breeding in wheat. However, many years of research have shown that T-CMS lines have very few restorer lines in wheat cultivars, most of the CMS lines are shriveled and the recovery degree is not high, which increases the difficulty of breeding hybrid wheat. Since the 1970s, researchers from other countries have looked for other ways. Japanese scholars often threatened to cultivate the wild wheat variety Spirulina with the cytoplasm of Ae.Kotschyi in 1978.
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