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曾红极一时,被称为“女强人”的费健政,因贪污146万元,6月22日被浙江省杭州市检察院依法提起公诉,成为建国以来杭城的第一女巨贪。9月6日,杭州市中级法院作出一审判决:费健政犯贪污罪,判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收其个人全部财产。批发部:红火一时1993年1月,杭州之江牧工商公司对综合批发部实行部门集体责任承包,三年为限,年仅32岁的费健政走马上任,担任了综合批发部负责人的职位。别看她身单力薄,只有初中文化程度,然而,业务员出身的她走南闯北,精明、干练,经营上有一套。上任后不久,她就逐渐打开了业务路子,把这个小小批发部搞得红红火火,令人刮目相看。第一年,批发部被评为公司先进班组。第二年,批发部的经营更上一层楼。1995年4月,费健政被公司任命为综合批发部经理,同年6月,因工作表现好,她被吸收为中共预备党员,1996年6月按期转正。三年 Fei Hongzheng, once known as the “strongwoman”, was convicted of corruption because of embezzlement of 1.46 million yuan. On June 22, he was prosecuted according to law by the Hangzhou Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province and became the first woman in Hangzhou ever since the founding of the People’s Republic . On September 6, Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court made a verdict of first instance: Fei Jianzheng was convicted of embezzlement, sentenced him to life imprisonment, deprived of his political rights for life, and confiscated all his or her personal property. Wholesale Department: booming moment In January 1993, Hangzhou Zhijiang industrial and commercial companies on the wholesale department of integrated implementation of the responsibility of the collective responsibility of the contractor, three-year limited, only 32-year-old Fei Jianzheng took office, served as a comprehensive head of the wholesale division positions . Do not look at her weakness, only the junior high school education, however, she was born clerk went abroad, shrewd, capable, operating a set. Shortly after taking office, she gradually opened the business path, to make this little wholesale department booming, impressive. In the first year, the wholesale department was named advanced company team. The second year, the wholesale department’s management to the next level. In April 1995, Fei Jianzheng was appointed by the Company as General Manager of Wholesale Department. In June of the same year, she was absorbed as a member of the Communist Party of China due to her good performance and was subsequently transferred to June 1996. Three years
In this paper, 197 samples were gathered from a 820 cm profile in Donganchi of Fangshan, Beijing. They provided a continuous record of vegetation and environmen