
来源 :交通标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:noonbird
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我局开展全面质量管理工作,是从1981年年初开始的,现在全面质量管理已在全局铺开,全面质量管理体系已初步形成,职工群众对提高工作质量和运输质量开始有了自觉行动,生产、经济、质量指标都有了一定的提高。上半年货运量和货运周转量提前10天,客运量和客运周转量提前一个月超额完成了过半计划。据1—8月份统计,运输收入比1980年同期增长1.9%,利润总额比1980年同期增长了4。18%。运输质量也有显著提高,1—6月份共运输41万余件货物无差错。在货运流向不尽合理,低档货增多的情况下,货源计划兑现率达到96%,运输计划 Since the beginning of the beginning of 1981, the total quality management of our bureau has been started. Now that total quality management has been rolled out in our country, the total quality management system has taken shape. The masses of workers have started to consciously improve the quality of work and the quality of transportation. Production, , Economic, quality indicators have been some improvement. In the first half of the year, the volume of freight and freight traffic was 10 days ahead of schedule. Passenger traffic and passenger traffic surpassed half of the plan one month ahead of schedule. According to statistics from January to August, transportation revenue increased by 1.9% over the same period of 1980, and total profit increased by 4.18% over the same period of 1980. Transport quality has also significantly improved, from January to June transported a total of 41 million pieces of goods without error. In the case of unreasonable freight flows, low-grade goods increased under the circumstances, the supply plan delivery rate of 96%, the transport plan
本文通过对供应链管理的特性以及目前我国物流企业管理现状的分析,阐述了建立有效的供应链管理体系及其所能为企业带来的巨大利润。 This article analyzes the characteris
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