自贡市委老干部局走基层 听意见 促工作

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自贡市委老干部局近期按照自贡市委相关要求和全市老干部工作安排,认真开展了“走基层、听意见、促工作”专题调研工作,深入老干部中听意见,深入基层单位找问题,深入联系村镇帮发展,取得了良好效果。4月以来,市委老干部局分别召开离退休干部座谈会7次,发放调查问卷200余份;对部分未能参加座谈会的老领导,由局班子成员带队,分组上门走访听取意见建议,对个别长住外地的老领导通过电话征询了意见建议。5月初,市委老干部局组成3个调研组,分别由1名局领导带队,深入各区县和部分重点部门开展调研活动,掌握了解全市老干部工作系统贯彻落实全省、全市 In accordance with the relevant requirements of Zigong Municipal Party Committee and the work arrangement of veteran cadres in the city recently, Zigong Municipal Veteran Bureau has earnestly conducted the special investigations and studies on “Going Grassroots, Listening to Opinion and Promoting Work”, listened to opinions from veteran cadres, went deep into grassroots units to find out problems, and thoroughly contacted villages and towns To help development, and achieved good results. Since April, the veteran cadres bureau of the municipal government has held seven forums of retired cadres respectively and distributed more than 200 questionnaires. For some old leaders who failed to attend the symposium, they were led by the members of the bureau and interviewed by sub-groups to listen to opinions and suggestions. Individual long-term field of the old leaders sought advice by phone. In early May, the Municipal Bureau of Veteran cadres formed three research groups, led by a board leader, in-depth investigation of all districts and counties and key departments to carry out research to understand the city’s veteran work system to implement the province, the city
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