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由于时间对高温、高湿、强光等外部环境的累加作用,民国时期的出版物在静静地粉化。显而易见地是, 用不了一代人的时间,这些资料就像没有来到过这个世界一样,无影无踪了。致力于文献保护工作20年的全国图书馆文献缩微复制中心,正在组织全国的公共图书馆为历史“留影”——抢救民国时期出版的普通图书。 Due to the cumulative effect of time on the external environment such as high temperature, high humidity and strong light, the publications of the Republic of China were quietly pulverized. Obviously, it took less than a generation’s time for these materials to disappear as if they were not in this world. The National Library of China, which is devoted to document protection for 20 years, has been organizing the nation’s public library as a historical “snapshot” of ordinary books published during the Republic of China’s Republic of China.
1 概述随着 Ineteet 以及中国教育科研网(CERNET)的兴起,我国高校图书馆已经进入网络化时期。图书馆随之由以馆藏为中心的传统图书馆变为以读者为中心、为读者提供以网络为
一、ISI Web of Knowledge 简介ISI Web of Knowledge 是一个基于 Web 而构建的动态的数字研究环境,通过强大的检索技术和基于内容的连接能力,将高质量的信息资源、独特的信
<正> 一、背景2006年7月底至8月初,"中国图书馆学会志愿者行动——基层图书馆馆长培训"分别在湖南、陕西和黑龙江三省热烈的展开。来自全国图书馆界的26名志愿者,满怀激情地
That tetraacetonitrile copper perchlorate catalyzes intramolecular amidation of arenes was found to be a new strategy for construction of nitrogen-containing he
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