
来源 :中华人民共和国最高人民检察院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mytony
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各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院,军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院:《最高人民检察院关于刑事抗诉工作的若干意见》(以下简称《意见》)已于2001年2月5日经最高人民检察院第九届检察委员会第八十一次会议通过,现予印发,并就贯彻执行《意见》提出以下要求:一、进一步提高对刑事抗诉工作重要性的认识。刑事抗诉是人民检察院履行诉讼监督职能的主要方式和途径,对于促进司法公正,保障国家法律统一正确实施,具有十分重要的意义。各级人民检察院要切实提高对刑事抗诉工作重要性的认识,树立正确的刑事抗诉观念,按照“公正执法、加强监督、依法办案、从严治检、服务大局”的检察工作方针,切实承担起法律监督职责,进一步加大刑事抗诉工作力度,逐步完善刑事抗诉工作制度,不断提高刑事抗诉工作水平。要重视刑事抗诉工作的队伍建设和业务建设,分、州、市级以上人民检察院公诉部门应当设立专门机 The People’s Procuratorates of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the military procuratorates, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps People’s Procuratorate: “Several Opinions of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Criminal Protest Work” (the “Opinions”) was released on February 5, 2001 by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate The eighty-first meeting of the 9th Procuratorial Committee passed and is now being issued. The following requirements have been put forward on the implementation of the Opinions: I. To further raise awareness of the importance of criminal protest work. Criminal protest is the main way and means for the People’s Procuratorate to perform its litigation supervisory function. It is of great significance to promote judicial fairness and guarantee the uniform and correct implementation of national laws. People’s procuratorates at all levels must effectively raise their awareness of the importance of criminal protest work and establish a correct concept of criminal protest. They should follow the procuratorial work principle of “fair law enforcement, step up supervision, handling cases in accordance with law, strictly conducting inspections and serving the overall interests” To assume the responsibility of legal supervision, to further increase the work of criminal protest, and gradually improve the work system of criminal protest, and continuously improve the level of criminal protest work. We must attach importance to the work of criminal protest team building and business development, ministerial, prefectural and municipal people’s Procuratorate public prosecution departments should set up a special machine
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