本文解释了“官适其职”的基本含义 ,它的现实意义和当前用人上的问题。说明了人都有两面性 ,有长有短 ,用人就要用其所长 ,把最适合的人放在该岗位上 ,才能扬长避短 ,人尽其才 ,调动一切积极性 ,充分发挥人才的优势 ;用人不能求全责备 ;世上没有完人 ,应该在德才兼备的情况下注意发挥某些方面有专才的人的作用 ;在怎样用人的问题上 ,要处理好继承与创新的关系 ,做到不拘一格降人才 ;破除求全责备思想 ;重视人才培养机制的创立 ,形成良好的用人氛围 ;加强对用人的监督 ,防止用人上的不正之风 ,保证用人的准确
This article explains the basic meaning of “official fit”, its practical significance and current employment problems. It shows that people have two sides. If they have long or short, they should use their director and place the most suitable person on the job, so as to avoid weaknesses, make the best use of their talents, mobilize all the enthusiasm and give full play to the advantages of qualified personnel; There is no perfect person in the world. We should pay attention to playing the role of professionals with certain aspects in the face of having both ability and political integrity. On the issue of how to use people, we should properly handle the relationship between succession and innovation so as to reduce the number of talents altogether. Break the idea of seeking full responsibility; pay attention to the establishment of personnel training mechanism to form a good atmosphere of employment; strengthen the supervision of the employing, to prevent the unhealthy tenure on the employer to ensure the accuracy of employment