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中国共产党自1921年成立以来,已经胜利度过了70个春秋。中国由于有了共产党的领导,使亿万人民群众觉醒起来,组织起来,掀起了翻天覆地的斗争,改变了旧中国积弱贫穷,受人轻视、欺侮的落后面貌。前30年,推翻了压在中国人民头上的三座大山:赶走了帝国主义,铲除了封建主义和官僚资本主义在中国的统治,完成了人民民主革命;后40年,进行了社会主义的建设,建立起人民当家作主的社会政治制度,公有制为主体的经济制度,生产力得到很大的发展,人民生活显著改善,使中国成为一个初步繁荣昌盛的社会主义国家。 随着国家各项建设事业的发展,一个由国家统一管理的、为社会主义建设服务的档案事业也逐步发展起来。解放以前,我国的档案事业很不发达,档案工作没有统一的管理,档案只对机关发挥作用,为历史研究服务的档案馆只有 Since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921, the Chinese Communist Party has enjoyed 70 years of success. With the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has awakened and organized hundreds of millions of people and organized a world-shaking struggle that has changed the backwardness of old China in weakening poverty and being ignored and bullied by others. In the first 30 years, the three big mountains that pressed on the Chinese people were overthrown: the imperialism was expelled, the feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism eradicated their rule in China, and the people’s democratic revolution was completed. After 40 years of socialism The establishment of a social and political system in which the people are the masters of their own affairs and public ownership as the main body of the economic system has greatly boosted the productivity and markedly improved the people’s livelihood and made China an initial prosperous socialist country. With the development of various national construction undertakings, an archive project managed by the state and serving the socialist construction has been gradually developed. Before the liberation, our country’s archives career is very underdeveloped, archives work is not unified management, the archives only play a role in organs, archives for historical research only
为纪念中国共产党成立70周年,国家档案局、中国档案学会联合举办的《中国档案事业发展成就展览》,于8月1日在北京隆重开幕。 座落在天安门东侧的皇史宬,经历了四百多年沉寂
第一章 苏联国家档案全宗文件的分类 1.01. 苏联国家档案全宗是归苏维埃国家所有的,具有政治、国民经济、科学、社会文化或历史意义的文件总合。 建立苏联国家档案全宗的目