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每当春天桃红柳绿时节,百芳争艳,荠菜花儿必争春.古诗中便有“春在溪头荠菜花”之咏.别小看荠菜花这随地盛开的一丛丛像碎米一般的白茵茵小花,民间有“三月三、荠菜花儿赛牡丹”之谚语.把小小的荠菜花与国色天香的牡丹相媲美呢!辛弃疾留有名句:“城中桃李愁风雨,春在溪头荠菜花”.陆游更把荠菜引为知己:“日日思归饱蕨薇,春来荠美勿忘归”.苏东坡曰:“时绕麦田求野荠”.清代郑板桥题诗:“三月荠菜饶有味.”荠菜,属于一年或二年生十字花科草本植物,荠草的带根全草,一名“香荠”,又名枕头草、清明草、护生菜、菱角菜、地菜和鸡翼菜.它的适应能力和耐寒性较强,所以无论在田头、野坡、河畔、路旁、屋后、宅前等处都有它的踪迹.因其叶茎清香浓郁,味道鲜美异常,被视为一种富有田园风味的佳蔬,早在《诗经·谷风》中就有记载:“谁谓荼苦,其味甘荠.”古时荠菜捣泥,名为“百岁羹”.还有以荠菜作馅做春饼的习俗,至今还广为流传,如用荠菜与肉馅一起包馄饨、饺子、包子,更是味美可口.苏州的“荠菜炒肉丝”,便是历代相传的时令名菜. Whenever the spring pink willow green season, fragrant blossoms, shepherd’s purse flowers will fight spring .In ancient poetry there will be “spring in the head of Shepherd’s purse” of the chant .Don’t underestimate the shepherd’s purse flowers blooming everywhere like a bunch of Cong like broken rice Common white Yin flowers, folk “March 3, Capsella flowers Race Peony,” the proverb .. The little chestnut flower Capsicum flowers comparable with the country’s peony! Xin Qiji left famous: “City peaches and plums worry, spring in the Shetland Shepherd’s Purse flowers. ”Lu You cited the shepherd’s purse as a confidant:“ Every day, think of the full fern Wei, spring chestnut United States do not forget to return. ”Su Dongpo said:“ When seeking around the wheat field wild chestnut. ”Qing Dynasty Zheng Banqiao poem: March shepherd’s purse has its own flavor. “Shepherd’s purse, belonging to a year or biennial cruciferous herbaceous plant, the grass with the root of the whole grass, a” water chestnut “, also known as pillow grass, green grass, care lettuce, water chestnut , Ground vegetables and chicken wings.Its adaptability and cold tolerance is strong, so no matter in the fields, slopes, riverside, roadside, house, front of the house and other places have its traces.Because its leaf stem fragrance Rich, delicious taste unusual, is considered a rich garden of vegetables, as early as in the ”Book of Songs Valley wind“ there are records: Sweet water chestnuts. ”Ancient time shepherd’s purse pound mud, known as“ the hundred-year-old soup. ”There are also used to make shepherd’s purse do stuffing spring cake custom, has also been widely circulated, such as shepherd’s purse and meat with wonton, dumplings, buns, It is delicious. Suzhou’s “shepherd’s purse fried shredded pork”, is the legend of the past famous dishes.
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