Physicians' knowledge and attitude regarding bisphosphonates-related adverse events:An observat

来源 :World Journal of Rheumatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bulocom
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AIM To assess the knowledge and attitude of Lebanese physicians regarding bisphosphonates(BPs)-related complications.METHODS An observational cross-sectional study was conducted at a major tertiary teaching hospital in Beirut city,and its affiliated primary health care center.Data were collected through a new self-administered questionnaire distributed via a delegated secretary to physicians expected to regularly prescribe BPs(n = 215).It assessed participants’ knowledge,fear and experience regarding BPsreported complications.RESULTS One hundred and fifty-seven physicians fulfilled the questionnaire(response rate: 73.0%): 77.7% and 75.2% considered that gastrointestinal intolerance and osteonecrosis of the jaw are linked to BPs,respectively.Conversely,the least recognised complications are ocular inflammation(7.6%) and severe musculoskeletal pain(37.6%).The association of BPs with oesophageal cancer,atrial fibrillation and hepatotoxicity was reported by 11.5%,13.4% and 24.8% of respondents,respectively.The multivariate analysis showed a significant association between level of knowledge and physicians’ department affiliation(P-value = 0.043),their gender(P-value = 0.044),whether or not they prescribe a BP(P-value = 0.012),and the number of BP prescriptions delivered monthly(P-value = 0.012).Physicians are mainly concerned about osteonecrosis of the jaw and nephrotoxicity when prescribing a BP.Yet,the complications commonly met in their practice are gastrointestinal intolerance(44.6%) and acute phase reactions(26.7%).CONCLUSION This study revealed the presence of a deficient knowledge regarding BPs-related adverse events among our physicians.Professional training proposals are needed to increase their knowledge and improve their practices.Pharmaceutical industries should reconsider the instructions they provide to physicians regarding the complications of medications they promote.Moreover,they must actively collaborate with education providers and institutions in educational interventions. AIM To assess the knowledge and attitude of Lebanese physicians regarding bisphosphonates (BPs) -related complications. METHODS An observational cross-sectional study was conducted at a major tertiary teaching hospital in Beirut city, and its affiliated primary health care center. Data were collected through a new self-administered questionnaire distributed via a delegated secretary to physicians expected regularly regularlyscribed BPs (n = 215) .It assessed participants’ knowledge, fear and experience regarding BPsreported complications .RESULTS One hundred and fifty-seven physicians fulfilled the questionnaire (response rate of 73.0%): 77.7% and 75.2% considered that gastrointestinal intolerance and osteonecrosis of the jaws are linked to BPs, respectively. Contraversely, the least recognized complications are ocular inflammation (7.6%) and severe musculoskeletal pain (37.6%). association of BPs with oesophageal cancer, atrial fibrillation and hepatotoxicity was reported by 11.5%, 13.4% and 24.8% of respond ents, respectively.The multivariate analysis showed a significant association between level of knowledge and physicians’ department affiliation (P-value = 0.043), their gender (P-value = 0.044), whether or not they prescribe a BP 0.012), and the number of BP prescriptions delivered monthly (P-value = 0.012) .Physicians are mainly concerned about osteonecrosis of the jaw and nephrotoxicity when prescribing a BP.Yet, the regulatory often met in their practice are gastrointestinal intolerance (44.6% ) and acute phase reactions (26.7%). CONCLUSION This study revealed the presence of a deficient knowledge regarding BPs-related adverse events among our physicians. Professional training proposals were needed to increase their knowledge and improve their practices. Pharmaceutical industries should reconsider the instructions they provide to physicians regarding the complications of medications and promote. Moreover, they must actively collaborate with education providers and institutions in educational interventions.
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