
来源 :广西植物 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SteveZou
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研究了可以影响沙田柚茎尖嫁接成活率的部分因素。结果表明 :当沙田柚接穗选择带 4个叶原基的茎尖、枳壳砧木选择黑暗培养 1 4d的实生苗或培养基中蔗糖浓度选择 7.5 %时各自的嫁接成活率较高。若在茎尖嫁接切口外缠绕 parafilm胶可令成活率明显增加。若在培养基中加入 GA3、6-BA和 IBA则明显抑制嫁接成活率。GA3、6-BA和 IBA处理接穗和砧木均可提高嫁接成活率 ,其中以 1 0 mg/L GA3处理效果最好 ,嫁接成活率可达 45 % ;6-BA和 IBA处理虽然也可提高嫁接成活率 ,但是同时又增加了接穗的脱落死亡率。 Some factors that can affect the survival rate of shoots in Shatianyou were studied. The results showed that when Shatian pomelo scion was selected with 4 leaf primordial shoot tips, Citrus aurantium rootstock selected dark seedlings of 14 days or 7.5% sucrose concentration in culture medium, their grafting survival rates were higher. If the incision in the shoot apical incision wound parafilm glue can make a significant increase in survival rate. The addition of GA3,6-BA and IBA to the medium significantly inhibited graft survival. GA3, 6-BA and IBA treatments could increase the graft survival rate, of which 10 mg / L GA3 treatment had the best effect and the grafting survival rate could reach 45%. While 6-BA and IBA treatments could improve the grafting Survival rate, but at the same time increased the scion fall mortality.