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当前,文化繁荣和学术研究提倡自由、开放,在这样的大背景下,我国的语言学研究呈现出了鲜明的特点,语言学研究呈现出了多元化的研究趋势。对于这一趋势,我们既要肯定其对语言学研究的进步和发展带来的好处,也要警惕语言学研究出现偏差,误入歧途。所以,本文主要针对语言学研究的相关特点展开探讨,重点分析了语言学研究的多元化趋势,论述了语言学研究多元化趋势的主要表现,并结合多元化趋势的主要表现总结了它基于我们的相关启示,即要把握好语言学研究的基本理论,坚持以普通语言学理论为指引;要坚持按照对立统一的规律来研究语言学;重视语言对比的研究方式。 At present, the cultural prosperity and academic research advocate freedom and openness. Under this background, the linguistics research in our country has shown distinctive features. The linguistic research has shown a diversified research trend. For this trend, we must not only affirm its benefits to the progress and development of linguistic research, but also guard against the deviation of linguistic studies and the misleading results. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses the related features of linguistics research, focusing on the diversification trend of linguistics research, expounds the main performance of linguistics research diversification trend, and summarizes the main performance of linguistic research based on it It is necessary to grasp the basic theory of linguistic studies and adhere to the theory of ordinary linguistics as a guide; we must adhere to the law of opposites to study linguistics; and attach importance to the study of linguistic contrast.
1 905年,罗素在其发表的《论指称》中提出了Description theory(摹状词理论),该理论的提出是在弗雷格涵义指称论为基础的,主要以解决“存在”问题为目的,尤其对逻辑学和语言
目的 探讨癌基因c -myc、凋亡抑制基因bcl-2mRNA在肾上腺良性及恶性嗜铬细胞瘤中的表达及其意义。方法 应用核酸分子原位杂交方法检测 2 9例良性肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤及 7例恶
In this study,we have formulated the phase description of the neuronal oscillator with non-instantaneous synaptic inputs and external periodic stimulus by using
The biotype 1, 2, and 3 of N. lugens obtained from IRRI, the Philippines,were reed continuously on suscepti-ble variety TN1, resistant varieties Mudgo (Bph1), a
编辑同志: 看了中央电视台正在播出的大型记录片《走进非洲》我们非常兴奋。这部片子不仅使我们对这块古老而神秘的大陆有了新的了解,更重要的,它是我们中国新闻工作者自己
1.简介 在特定的工作条件下,利用单个油缸驱动机器主轴低速、短时间连续定向旋转,不仅节省空间,而且可以传递较大的功率,运转是可靠的。本机构最初应用在地下矿山的EL型梭式