
来源 :政协天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lynnxiao
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洪灾无情政协有爱从今年5月中旬至6月中旬的一个月时间里,福建各地普降大雨,随着大雨而来的是特大洪灾,尤其是闽西、闽北等地,乡镇被淹、水电通讯严重毁坏、交通中断,对人民的生命财产造成巨大损失。在这紧要关头,各级政协组织和委员在当地党政的统一指挥下,纷纷投入到抗洪第一线,或救助灾民,或捐款捐物重建家园,甚至为抗洪献出了生命。他们用自己的实际行动表达了政协组织和政协委员的爱心。在此,我们编发了一组闽西、闽北各级政协组织和委员抗洪救灾的纪实报道,与读者一起回顾不久前的那段危急时刻,一起去感受政协组织和委员共同抗灾,心系民生的风采。洪灾无情,政协有爱。面对肆虐的洪魔,政协组织和委员与广大人民群众一起铸起了一道冲不垮的长城,在老百姓心中建起一座丰碑。 In the one month from mid-May to mid-June this year, heavy rains plummeted throughout Fujian Province, causing heavy floods, especially in the areas of western Fujian and northern Fujian, the flooding of villages and towns, The serious destruction of hydropower and communications and the interruption of traffic have caused huge losses to people’s lives and property. At this crucial juncture, the CPPCC organizations and members at all levels, under the unified leadership of the local Party and government, have all put themselves into the front line of fighting floods or rescuing the victims or donating money and materials to rebuild their homes. They even gave their lives for resisting floods. They used their own concrete actions to express the love of CPPCC members and CPPCC members. Here, we compiled a series of factual reports on the flood fighting and relief provided by the CPPCC organizations and members at all levels in western Fujian and northern Fujian. When we reviewed with readers the critical moment not long ago, we felt together that the CPPCC organizations and members should jointly resist the common misconception and the people’s livelihood Style. The flood is ruthless, the CPPCC has love. In the face of the devastating flood of demons, the CPPCC organizations and commissioners, together with the masses of the people, have cast an unforgettable Great Wall and built a monument in the hearts of ordinary people.
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