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他曾被誉为美国史上最好的行长,现在要为卸任两年后的经济衰退负责了比起华尔街和美联储现任主席本·伯南克,一向秉承独立客观的英国《经济学家》杂志还是靠谱多了。2006年1月30日,当时已经7g岁高龄的艾伦·格林斯潘功成身退,华尔街世界媒体一片惜别之声,恨不得把最好听的形容词都给了这个带给美国经济持久繁荣的老头儿。当时,唯一发出不同声音的是《经济学家》,那时候,它就预言美联储在过去10年的宽松货 He has been hailed as the best president in the history of the United States, now responsible for the recession two years after his departure from Wall Street and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, always uphold the independent and objective British “Economist” magazine Or fly more. On January 30, 2006, when Alan Greenspan, now 7-year-old, was defeated, Wall Street World Media, a farewell farewell, gave the best adjectives to the old man who brought long-term prosperity to the U.S. economy . At the time, the only “economist” who made a different voice was the prophecy of the Federal Reserve’s loose purchases over the past decade
小松菜是菘菜属白菜亚种 [SSPChinensis(L .)Makino],原产中国。 19世纪 70年代传入日本 ,2 0世纪 2 0年代传入朝鲜、东南亚以及欧美一些国家。近年来 ,随着多种蔬菜栽培加工出口业的发展 ,由日