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拖拉机在田间作业时,常常会遇到过沟渠、爬田埂、越泥泞以及陷车、飞车、翻车等情况。为保证田间作业安全,驾驶员应能正确掌握这些常见问题的处理方法。一、过沟渠。一般深而宽的沟渠应先填平或用跳板铺垫后再通过,浅而窄的沟渠可用低速挡斜驶通过,即拖拉机左右前轮和左右后轮依次通过以减轻机车振动冲击。若受地形所限必须直驶通过时,则应先让前轮缓缓下沟,然后加油门让前轮上沟,再让后轮缓缓下沟,最后再加大油门让后轮上沟。若拖拉机牵引农具,则应先将农具调到最高运输位置,拖拉机悬挂农具时,应调整限位链,防止农具左右摇摆,并压下油缸定位阀,以免油管内产生高压冲击而爆裂;后轮越沟时,不得猛抬离合器踏板,以防拖拉机翘头。手扶拖拉机过沟时,应用跳板铺垫或填平沟渠,也可将发动机熄火,摇转曲轴通过。 When tractors work in the field, they often encounter ditches, plows, muds, traps, speed ramps and rollovers. To ensure the safety of field operations, pilots should be able to correctly handle the handling of these common problems. First, over the ditch. Generally, deep and wide ditches should be filled in or paved with a springboard. Shallow and narrow ditches can be lowered and lowered through a low speed gear. That is, the front and rear left and right tractors pass in order to reduce the impact of locomotive vibration. If the terrain must be limited by direct driving, you should let the front wheel slowly ditch, and then throttle the front wheel on the ditch, let the rear wheel ditch slowly, and finally increase the throttle so that the rear ditch . If the tractor drives the farm implements, the farm implements should be transferred to the highest transport position. When the tractor is suspending the farm implements, the limit chain should be adjusted to prevent the agricultural implements from swaying around and depress the cylinder positioning valve to avoid the burst of high pressure impact in the tubing; The more ditch, do not flirt the clutch pedal to prevent the tractor Alice. Walking tractor through the ditch, the application of springboard bedding or filling ditches, but also the engine flameout, cranked crankshaft through.
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