An ANN-based fast building energy consumption prediction method for complex architectural form at th

来源 :建筑模拟(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glosslee
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HHow to control the growth of building energy consumption and achieve the goal of energy saving and emission reduction while ensuring people’s growing demand for indoor comfort is of great practical significance in the new era. The rapid and accurate prediction of the building energy consumption at the early design stage can provide a quantitative basis for the energy-saving design. ANN (artificial neural network) model is the most widely used artificial intelligence model in the field of building performance optimization due to its high speed, high accuracy, and capability of handling nonlinear relationships between variables. In this paper, an ANN-based fast building energy consumption prediction method for complex architectural form for the early design stage was proposed. Under this method, the authors proposed an idea of architectural form decomposition, to eliminate the complexity of building shape at the early design stage, thus transforming the energy consumption prediction problem of one complex architectural form into several energy consumption prediction problems of multiple simple blocks: the method of characterization decomposition (MCD) and the method of spatial homogenization decomposition (MSHD). The ANN model was introduced to realize energy consumption prediction, which fully utilized the two advantages: high speed and good response to complicated relationships. Accuracy verification shows that the relative deviation of cooling and heating energy consumption is within ±10% using the MCD method. The relative deviation of total energy consumption is within 10% using the MSHD method.
摘 要:安顺市处于贵州省,具有山多地少的地形特征。自1998年起,贵州省以安顺市为代表的各个地区的渔业发展已经具有一定的规模,并且形成了种养结合的立体生态系统。该生态系统的形成,为安顺市的经济发展提供了巨大的贡献,农民的收入得到了显著提升,农村经济逐渐繁荣起来。本文则针对安顺市生态渔业发展现状和前景进行探讨,并提出了一些观点。  关键词:生态渔业;生态效益;经济收入  贵州省渔业扶贫致富工程自19
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