
来源 :考试与评价·七年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ld2001
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  1. Jim lives in a small house but Tom lives in a ____ one.
  2. Toms hair is curly, but his sisters hair is ____.
  3. There is a short boy under the ____ tree.
  4. My hair is long, but her hair is ____.
  5. Mr. Black is old, but his little brother is ____.
  1. The background music sounds ____ (noise). Please turn it down.
  2. Shenzhen is in the ____ (south) part of China.
  3. I think table tennis is as ____ (exciting) as football.
  4. Their children were sent to school, and they had a ____ (peace) afternoon.
  5. It is always ____ (sun) here in winter.
  1. —I think we should keep ____ in the reading-room.
  —You are right.
   A. quiet           B. quietly                    C. quite           D. quickly
  2. We must do something to make our world more ____.
   A. better         B. cleaner                   C. beautifuler   D. beautiful
  3. We find it ____ to do some reading every day.
   A. easily          B. be enjoyable            C. helpful              D. interested
  4. Im still ____. Could I have more rice (米饭), please?
   A. tired            B. hungry                    C. busy           D. thirsty
  5. Though the old man is ____, he doesnt feel ____.
   A. lonely; alone      B. alone; lonely                C. lonely; lonely D. loneliness; lonely
  east, friend, heavy, interest, close
  1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are kind-hearted people. They are ____ to everyone.
  2. China is an ____ country. It is in the east of Asia.
  3. Are you ____ in a journey to Qinghai Lake? It must be very interesting.
  4. —Is the bookstore open or ____?
  —Its open.
  5. It is raining heavily outside. What a ____ rain it is!
1.春联 Spring Festival couplets 2. 剪紙 paper-cuts 3. 年画 New Year paintings     4. 灯笼 lantern 5.爆竹 firecrackers 6. 舞狮 lion dance
【词语精讲】  1. dress v. & n. 穿衣服;连衣裙  (1) dress用作名词,意为“连衣裙;礼服”。如:  Tina is wearing a beautiful dress. 蒂娜穿着一条漂亮的连衣裙。  (2) dress用作动词,意为“穿衣;打扮”等,短语get dressed,意为“穿上衣服”。dress强调穿衣服的动作,其后只能接表示人的名词或代词,不能接表示服装的名词
《考试与评价》英语七年级专刊的读者朋友们,大家好!《考试与评价》英语七年级专刊按照包天仁教授的英语“四位一体”教学法进行编排,夯实学生英语基础知识和英语基本技能,专业指导各类英语考试测评。杂志内容按板块划分,特点突出,既适合在教师指导下集体使用,也适合个人读者自我学习提高。详细内容如下:  知识辅导板块:  针对七年级英语下册的语音、词汇、语法等难点、考点进行同步辅导讲解。  “语音天地”栏目系统
1. The old year leaves amidst the falling snow, the new spring comes with the shining glow. 瑞雪纷飞辞旧岁,旭日东升迎新春。  2. A good year and a nice view follow the spring, happiness and health arrive as you wish.
挪威:藏扫帚  在圣诞前夜藏扫帚是挪威的一项古老风俗。在过去,人们都认为巫婆和恶鬼会在圣诞节前夜外出寻找扫帚来骑,所以家家户户都会把扫帚藏在最安全的地方。如今的挪威主妇仍然会遵循这一传统,她们睡觉前会把扫帚、拖把和刷子等物品全部藏好。而男人们有时会走出家门,在外面放上几枪,以吓跑巫婆和恶鬼。  捷克:制作“核桃小船”  捷克共和国的一项圣诞风俗是用核桃壳制作小船。人们会敲开几只核桃,在半只空核桃壳
IQ Test
The fog comes  On little cat feet.  It sits looking  Over harbor and city  On silent haunches  And then moves on.  霧降临  悄悄如小猫。  蹲坐着  俯视  港口和城市  飘然而去不喧嚣。
【口语展台】  1. —Jenny, what are you doing? 珍妮,你在做什么?  —Im watching TV. 我正在看电视。  2. —Is she reading? 她在读书吗?  —Yes, she is. 是的。  3. —Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?  —That sounds great. 听起来不错。  【情
【口语展台】  1. —Can you draw? 你会画画吗?  —Yes, I can. 是的,我会。  2. —I want to join the music club. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。  —Oh, can you sing? 噢,你会唱歌吗?  —Yes, I can. 是的,我会。  3. —Can you play the violin? 你会拉小提琴吗?  —No, I ca