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  例如:课文54课句子“She decided to buy a digital TV online so that it could be sent to her.”划线的单词和短语是需要认真学习的,首先弄明白这些单词和短语的意思,decide 是决心、决定;digital 是数字的;online 是在线,在网上;so that 是以便于。再弄清它们的用法,decide to do 决定去做;digital TV 是数字电视的意思,这是根据 digital camera 而得知的; online 从构词法的角度可以轻松理解; so that 要和 so…that…区别开来。最后自己来造句:I decided to tell her what had happened that night. I have an ordinary TV, but she has a digital one. I am online, you can chat(聊天) with me. I study English every day so that I can catch up with Li Yang. 当然也可以造和原句差不多的几个句子,把四个词都用上:If you decide to order a digital TV online, you must have a credit card first. You must type in your credit card number so that they can send it to you. 由以上举例说明,大家在学习课文时,每一句都应这样学,只有这样才能真正做到举一反三、融会贯通。
  例如:54课的“Miyoko clicked on the screen, and a form appeared for her to fill in her personal information. Her dad helped her fill in the form and typed in his credit card number.”这两个句子联系较为密切,从动作上可以看出来,先是click; 接着appear, 继而fill in ,时间先后非常明显,看到这一点,两个句子就不难理解了。在理解的基础上再去掌握就变得轻松了。一个句子能表达一个完整的意思很容易理解,可同学们大家想过没有,一组句子要表达一个复杂的意思,处理不好句子与句子之间的关系是万万不行的。而句子与句子间无非这几种关系:并列、转折、递进等。比如:He was a famous vet. He was born in England in 1915. He grew up with his dog named Dan. 这三个句子就是并列的关系,都在介绍“he”。
  例如:50 课第三段,The world?蒺s population is growing faster and faster. …That means that in about 600 years, there will be standing room only on the earth.
  当你分析着读过了三遍,你一定会对文意有了较为清晰的了解,此时你可以把课本合上,给自己提几个问题。比如“What?蒺s the text(课文) about?”“Why the increasing population may be the greatest challenge of the world today?”“What can be done to slow down the population increase in India?”“What can we learn from James Herriot?”提问题的过程也是思考的过程,这一学习过程是不能被取代的!接下来,试着把文章大意用自己的话表达一下,三句、五句都行,但必须完整。这一步要做好离不开上一步,因为文章大意就是每段主要意思的概括。比如58课,你可以这样概括:James Herriot was a famous vet. He grew up with his pet dog Dan. He liked dogs very much so he decided to be a vet for dogs. Soon after he became a college student, he found to be a doctor only for dogs during that time was impossible. Vets mostly helped heal pigs, horses and cows. Even though some vets laughed at him, he helped heal sick pet dogs. The owners of the pets all thanked him. He worked as a country vet for many years, and he wrote his experience into several books. Because he liked dogs best. He wrote a book named James Herriot?蒺s Dog Stories.
拾金不昧永远是一种值得人们称赞的高尚行为。如果你面对巨款,你该如何做呢?I worked for a short time as a cashier (出纳员) in a restaurant a few months ago. I also h
I have many questions.I think hard and cannot find the answers.I wonder what the world is in reality.Is there any answer to the mystery of the world?I ask what
1. Where’s ____ book?  A. aB. an C. theD. /  答案:C。对某物的位置提问时,该物体已确定,用定冠词the表示特指。   2. There is a window ____ the wall.  A. inB. on C. under D. to  答案:A。该句意思是“墙上有个窗户”。on表示“在……上面”,指在表面上。窗户只能“在墙里”,不能在墙表面上
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A    Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.  Some plays are so su