Numerical Study on Inter-Tidal Transports in Coastal Seas

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mqshi
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Inter-tidal(subtidal) transport processes in coastal sea depend on the residual motion, turbulent dispersion and relevant sources/sinks. In Feng et al.(2008), an updated Lagrangian inter-tidal transport equation, as well as new concept of Lagrangian in- ter-tidal concentration(LIC), has been proposed for a general nonlinear shallow water system. In the present study, the LIC is nu- merically applied for the first time to passive tracers in idealized settings and salinity in the Bohai Sea, China. Circulation and tracer motion in the three idealized model seas with different topography or coastline, termed as ‘flat-bottom’, ‘stairs’ and ‘cape’ case, re- spectively, are simulated. The dependence of the LIC on initial tidal phase suggests that the nonlinearities in the stairs and cape cases are stronger than that in the flat-bottom case. Therefore, the ‘flat-bottom’ case still meets the convectively weakly nonlinear condi- tion. For the Bohai Sea, the simulation results show that most parts of it still meet the weakly nonlinear condition. However, the de- pendence of the LIS(Lagrangian inter-tidal salinity) on initial tidal phase is significant around the southern headland of the Liaodong Peninsula and near the mouth of the Yellow River. The nonlinearity in the former region is mainly related to the complicated coast- lines, and that in the latter region is due to the presence of the estuarine salinity front. In Feng et al. (2008), an updated Lagrangian inter-transport transport equation, as well as new concept of Lagrangian In the present study, the LIC is nu-merly applied for the first time to passive tracers in idealized settings and salinity in the Bohai Sea, China. Circulation and tracer motion in the three idealized model seas with different topography or coastline, termed as ’flat-bottom’, ’stairs’ and ’cape’ case, re- spectively, are simulated. The dependence of the LIC on initial tidal phase suggests that the nonlinearities in the stairs and cape cases are stronger than that in flat-bottom cases. Therefore, the ’flat-bottom’ case still meets the convectively weakly nonlinear condiations. For the Bohai Sea, the simulation results show that m However, the de- pendence of the LIS (Lagrangian inter-tidal salinity) on initial tidal phase is significant around the southern headland of the Liaodong Peninsula and near the mouth of the Yellow River. The nonlinearity in the former region is mainly related to the complicated coast-lines, and that in the latter region is due to the presence of the estuarine salinity front.
【摘要】近些年来,高职教育发展迅速,其充分发挥了就业导向作用,培养高技能应用型人才;在这样的办学理念下,就决定了其特殊的教学模式,主要目标是对学生的动手能力和社会适应能力有效培养。本文简要分析了数据库课程的一体化教学,希望能够提供一些有价值的参考意见。  【关键词】数据库课程 一体化教学 改革  【中图分类号】G64【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)02-0248-01 
【摘 要】国家为了加强学校国有资产管理,确保资产的合理配置和有效利用,防止资产流失,保障学校各项工作的正常开展,学校根据中央及地方相关规定结合实际情况制定了本学校的国有资产管理办法。可是在国有资产的管理中出现了一些问题,如分散管理、资源不能共享、折旧以及报废等问题。笔者从自己工作的实际出发,对固定资产中的仪器设备资产的管理问题、折旧和报废问题做一些思考。  【关键词】高等院校 固定资产 仪器设备