1937年10月初,中共闽赣省委与国民党江西省地方当局,在福建省光泽县寨里镇大洲村举行谈判,达成了合作抗日协议,促成了闽北抗日民族统一战线的形成。 当时,部署在闽北游击区的国民党军队有第75师、76师、3师和独立第6旅,此外还有第80师、16师、63师、52师的部分及福建、江西的保安队,兵力达10余万。卢沟桥事变后,在全中国不断高涨的抗日呼声中,蒋介石才将“清剿”闽北红军游击队的国民党第3师、75师、76师撤出闽北。
At the beginning of October 1937, the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee held talks with the KMT local authorities in Jiangxi Province in Dazhou Village, Zhaili Town, Guangze County, Fujian Province, and reached an agreement on cooperation in resisting Japan and contributed to the formation of the anti-Japanese national united front in northern Fujian. At that time, the Kuomintang troops deployed in the guerrilla zone in northern Fujian Province had the 75th, 76th and 3rd divisions and the 6th independent brigade. In addition, there were the 80th, 16th, 63th and 52th divisions and the security guards of Fujian and Jiangxi Team, more than 10 million troops. In the wake of the Lugouqiao Incident, Chiang Kai-shek withdrew its third Kuomintang Division, 75th Division and 76th Division of the Northern Red Guerillas in north Fujian during the upsurge of resistance against Japan in all parts of China.