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农药的生产与使用无疑将对生态环境产生一定的影响。虽然自1983年有机氯农药禁用以来,我国农药的开发、应用已向高效、低毒、低残留方向发展,但是总的看来,我国农药目前的生产使用和欧美等发达国家相比还存在较大的差距。由于生产结构欠合理、管理不善及使用不科学等原因,高毒农药人畜中毒、农药药害、农药三废的环境污染以及农副产品的农药残留等问题时常发生,而且呈现局部性、突发性、短期性及危害严重性的新特点。下面介绍一下问题表现的几个方面:一、农药产品结构我国于1983年起停止有机氯农药生产,在以后十多年时间内扩大了有机磷、氨基甲酸酯和菊酯类等低残留杀虫剂的生产量,并试验、投产了一批高效的除草剂和杀菌剂品种。农药生产品种从1986年的70多个发展到2000年的240 The production and use of pesticides will undoubtedly have some impact on the ecological environment. Although the development and application of pesticides in China have been highly efficient, low-toxic and low-residue since the ban on the use of organochlorine pesticides in 1983, in general, the current production and use of pesticides in China still lags behind that of developed countries such as Europe and the United States Big difference. Due to the poor production structure, poor management and the use of unscientific reasons, the problems of poisoning of pesticides and livestock, poisoning of pesticides, environmental pollution of pesticides and wastes and pesticide residues of agricultural and sideline products often occur, and the problems such as locality, suddenness, Short-term and endanger the seriousness of the new features. Here are some aspects of the problem presentation: First, the structure of pesticide products China began in 1983 to stop production of organochlorine pesticides, in the next ten years to expand the organic phosphorus, carbamates and pyrethrins and other low residue kill Pesticide production, and test, put into operation a number of efficient herbicides and fungicides species. The varieties of pesticide production have grown from more than 70 in 1986 to 240 in 2000
依那普利(Enalapril)本品是第二代血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂类的抗高血压药。现在临床所用的产品为其马来酸盐,商品名有Renitec,Vasotec,Znnovace,Xanef,恩纳普利,苯丁酯脯酸,MK-421等。性状:本品的马来酸盐为一白色或... Enalapril
To clarify the active components of Wuzhuyu-tang, this study analyzed dynamic changes of 10 ingredients of Wuzhuyu-tang in plasma using combination high perform