自从美国在日本广岛、长崎投下两颗原子弹之后 ,人们都对核威力而恐惧。在这次原子弹袭击中 ,有数十万人丧生 ,两座城市在瞬间变成焦土。对这样一个神秘可怕的怪物 ,历史上却曾有人用双手掰开过它。你相信吗 ?这位“超人”就是加拿大科学家———斯罗达博士。第二次世界大战期间 ,德国人在欧洲用闪电战吞并了大半个欧洲 ,每天都有数以万千的人被屠杀
Since the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima in Japan and Nagasaki, people are afraid of nuclear power. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed in the atomic bombing and the two cities instantly became scorched earth. For such a mysterious and terrifying monster, there have been people in history who broke it with both hands. Do you believe it? The “Superman” is a Canadian scientist --- Dr. During the Second World War, Germans annexed more than half of Europe by blitzkrieg in Europe, killing tens of thousands of people every day