Dances with Wolves《与狼共舞》

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  Put Dances with Wolves at the top of your list of great movies to see. Although there have been many movies about Native Americans released1, this is far superior2 to all the others. It is certainly a very powerful and educational film which teaches as well as entertains3. Three reasons that why of Dances with Wolves is so popular are the plot, the characters, and its language and setting.
  The exciting plot begins during the time of the Civil War, a period in American history when there were many conflicts4 between the white men and the Native Americans on the plains5. The cruel white people came onto the land, mercilessly6 killing anything in their way, whether buffaloes7 or Indians. The Plains Native Americans did not want to leave the land they loved, but they were forced to or die. In this movie we can see their side of the story. The only weakness is that the film lasts close to three hours. Although it is too long, Dances with Wolves keeps your attention all the time, especially during the wars between the whites and the Indians.
  In addition to these conflicts, the movie is helped by the colorful characters. Dances with Wolves stars Kevin Costner, who plays the main character and narrator8, Lt. John Dunbar. He is later called “Dances with Wolves” by the Native Americans. Costner is perfect because he acts just like a real white man who lived with the Native Americans. For example, he hunts with them, eats their food, learns their language, and marries a woman from the tribe. The other actors and actresses are also excellent. One is played by a real Native American—Graham Greene as “Kicking Bird”.
  The third which makes Dances with Wolves a real winner is its realistic language and setting. Because they speak in their native tongue, the film uses subtitles9 some of the time. This makes it seem far more real than other movies where Native Americans speak just like white settlers which seems not real. The language is not only interesting to hear, but using their own words shows respect for the Indian culture. The backdrop10 of all of this is some beautiful scenery. Dances with Wolves is filmed in different parts of the country during different seasons. The viewer sees colorful natural scenes that make you feel as if you are right there.    《与狼共舞》倍受青睐的第三个原因是其地道的语言和真实的环境。因为他们用母语交流,所以电影有时会用到字幕,这让它看起来比其他电影更加真实。在其他电影中,美洲印第安人像白人定居者一样讲话,看起来不太真实。这种本土语言不仅听起来令人兴趣大增,而且使用他们的母语也表达了对印第安文化的尊重。而所有这一切的背景是仙境般的风景,《与狼共舞》在全国不同地区的不同季节进行了拍摄,因此观众能看到色彩缤纷的自然美景,有身临其境之感。
  Dances with Wolves is a wonderful and exciting movie—one of the best. It offers something for everyone: history, violence, friendship, adventure, realism and beauty. The breathtaking11 photography of many scenes of rivers, mountains, plains, snowstorms, and wild animals, as well as the Native American way of life, is like looking at a National Geographic12 magazine. You will find it an interesting and very worthwhile film with strong conflicts, characters and setting. It is a “must see” for you and your whole family.
  1. release
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