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日本位于亚欧大陆东端,由本州、九州、四国、北海道4个大岛和6800多个小岛组成,东西宽300千米,南北长3500千米,是一个四面临海的群岛国家,自东北向西南呈弧状延伸。日本国土总面积为37万多平方千米,约相当于俄罗斯的1/45,中国和美国的1/25。这个岛国面积狭小,资源缺乏,人口密度大,历史上总想着对外侵略扩张。二战结束后的60年里,日本与周边国家间的领土争议频频发生。 Japan is located in the eastern Eurasian continent by the state, Kyushu, Shikoku, Hokkaido, 4 large islands and more than 6800 islands, 300 km wide east-west, 3500 km long north-south, is a four-armed island nation, since Northeastern arc was extended to the southwest. Japan’s total land area of ​​more than 370,000 square kilometers, equivalent to about 1/45 of Russia, China and the United States 1/25. This island nation is small in size, lacking in resources and densely populated. In history, it always thought of aggression and expansion abroad. In the 60 years since the end of World War II, territorial disputes between Japan and neighboring countries have been frequent.
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爆竹声声,烟花漫天,送旧迎新,祝福猴年。 羊年多舛。现实世界的伊拉克战争、恐怖主义、SARS、水灾、地震……让人刻骨铭心;虚拟世界的信息战、黑客攻击、垃圾邮件加上各类病
作者曾驻法国工作过几年,现集纳一些日常见闻,与读者一道品味。 清晨外出,看见几个警察在救助一个流浪汉。流浪汉蓬头垢面,衣衫褴褛,平躺在马路中央,警察正俯身为之做人工呼
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这两位人们熟悉的相声演员是当年少年宫艺术教育组的积极参加者,今天正在庆祝北京市少年宫建宫二十五周年艺术教育组新老组员联合演出会上,以老组员的身份参加演出。 The t