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2008年在湖北恩施、2009年和2010年在海南陵水分别采取自然诱病和人工接种方法对158份中国水稻微核心种质和137份“全球水稻分子育种计划”亲本材料进行了抗纹枯病大田鉴定和评价,未发现免疫材料,抗病和中抗材料的比例分别为0.3%和13.9%;大多数属于感病范围,中感、感病和高感材料的比例分别为40.0%、25.8%和20.0%。其中BR24、Hnankar、解放籼、秕五升、赤壳糯、红旗5号、泽谷、寸谷糯和旱麻稻在3年2地的鉴定中均达中抗水平;Serendahkuninmdaysia、SAI-BUI-BAO、Giza14和香稻在个别年份中达抗病水平。在海南2年试验中测定了各材料的纹枯病病级、相对病斑长、相对病斑高、抽穗期和株高,通过分析,发现纹枯病病级与相对病斑长和相对病斑高呈极显著正相关,而与抽穗期和株高呈极显著负相关,相对病斑长和相对病斑高可以作为抗性鉴定和评价的指标之一。 In 2008, Enshrines in Enshi, Hubei Province, and natural inoculation and artificial inoculations in Lingshui of Hainan Province in 2009 and 2010 were used to test 158 ​​microsatellite core collections of China and 137 “Global Rice Molecular Breeding Program” parent materials Rhizoctonia solani was identified and evaluated in field, no immune materials were found, and the proportion of disease-resistant and medium-resistant materials was 0.3% and 13.9% respectively. Most of the susceptible materials were susceptible, susceptible, susceptible and susceptible. %, 25.8% and 20.0%. Among them, BR24, Hankankar, Jiefangxian, Luanwu, Chuanhuannuo, Hongqi 5, Zeguo, Yougonguo and Helao were all medium resistant in the three years and two years. Serendahkuninmdaysia, SAI-BUI- BAO, Giza14 and fragrant rice reach the disease resistance level in a few years. In the two-year experiment in Hainan, the sheath blight grade of each material was determined, with relative lesion length, relative disease spot height, heading date and plant height. Through the analysis, it was found that the sheath blight disease stage was relative to the lesion length and relative disease There was a significant positive correlation between patch height and height, but a very significant negative correlation with heading date and plant height. The relative disease length and relative disease height could be used as one of the indexes for resistance evaluation and evaluation.
摘要:中央空调安装施工技术是一种需要融合很多知识的专业工程。需要全方面的考虑各种关系和要求。下面我结合多年的工作经验,来介绍一下实际操作步骤,希望同行给予指正。  关键词:中央空调;安装施工;节能;环保;安全  Abstract: the central air conditioning installation construction technology is a kind of need
摘要:本文系统地介绍了简支地铁U型梁的预制施工流程后主要工序施工质量控制要点。  关键词:地铁;简支U型梁;工艺  Abstract: this paper introduces simply supported the subway U beam precast construction process of the main process after construction quality
[摘要]本文结合工作者经验和工程实例,主要讲述基底土层换填垫层产生的沉降进行计算分析,以供参考.   [关健词] 換填垫层;沉降观测;沉降量;整体倾料  [abstract] this paper workers experience and engineering examples, and the major change TianDian layer soil base about from
[摘要] 本文结合笔者多年的工作经验,针对高层楼宇供电的节能要求,从供电的一次方案优化设计的角度来达到节能的目的。从而推出一种新型的mini户内箱变产品,在获得供电节能的同时,在设备投资、工程投资方面也有很大的益处,是一款值得推广的产品。  [关键词] 高层楼宇、供电方案、节能降耗、降低投资、mini箱变  [abstract] this paper combining the many year
摘要:水闸是构成水利工程的重要组成部分,本文结合水闸工程施工的特点介绍在施工前、施工阶段的主要技术措施,为水闸工程施工的质量作保证,以解决水闸施工由于施工主要技术措施不得当或不科学所造成的工程问题。  关键词:水利工程;水闸工程;岩基开挖;技术措施  Abstract: locks is composed of the important part of the water conservancy
摘要:步履式顶推工艺以设备集成化、施工占地少、不影响下部通行(航)、顶推过程平稳快速等优点,在桥梁上部结构施工中的优越性逐渐深入人心。2009年,步履式顶推法在杭州九堡大桥(钢管拱桥)得到成功应用后,2010年又在螺洲大桥(悬索桥)成功应用,标志着步履式顶推法的成熟和广泛适用性。  关键词:步履式顶推,钢箱梁 ,应用  中图分类号:TU74 文献标识码:A 文章编号:  Abstract: wal