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投入产出关联效应分析模型应用完全经济关联关系的概念,较为全面的反映了产业部门间的关联关系.然而,传统的投入产出关联效应分析对产业部门间的关联关系做了简化处理,并没有考虑经济活动的传导时滞因素所产生的动态影响,这种处理方式使模型的应用受到较多限制.利用有向加权网络工具,考虑经济活动的传导时滞,构建了产业关联分析动态网络模型.该模型与传统投入产出模型相比具有以下三个特点:一是考虑了产业部门间及部门内部传导时滞的作用,对部门间关联效应及传导过程作了动态描述,使其关联关系更加符合实际;二是可计算任意时点上一个部门产量的变化对系统中各部门关联效应的大小;三是该模型经济含义直观,易于理解,且易于利用计算机仿真模拟. The application of the model of I / O-related effects analysis to the concept of complete economic relation reflects a more comprehensive reflection of the relationship between industry sectors.However, the traditional IOS analysis simplifies the relationship between industries and The dynamic influence caused by the conduction delay factor of economic activity is not considered, and the application of the model is more restricted by this approach.Using directional weighted network tools and considering the conduction delay of economic activities, a dynamic network of industry related analysis Model.Compared with the traditional input-output model, the model has the following three characteristics: First, considering the role of industry-wide interdepartmental and interdepartmental conduction lags, the model describes and correlates the interdepartmental effects and transmission processes dynamically The relationship is more in line with the reality; second, we can calculate the effect of the change of output of a department at any time on the relevance of each department in the system; thirdly, the economic meaning of the model is intuitive and easy to understand, and it is easy to use computer simulation.
In this work,Green-Naghdi (GN) equations with general weight functions were derived in a simple way.A wave-absorbing beach was also considered in the general GN
A majority of the exposed nunataks located in the Grove Mountains of the Antarctic interior have yet to have had their elevations measured.The elevations of Mas
运用Copula方法研究了含股指期货的投资组合的风险度量问题.首先采用不同的GARCH模型对单个资产收益率建模,然后选择Clayton Copula函数来描述投资组合各资产之间的相关结构,