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随着我国改革开放向纵深发展,我国社会生活发生着复杂而深刻的变化,经济成分和经济利益、社会生活形势、社会组织形式多样化日趋明显,各种思潮及思想领域的矛盾和斗争错综复杂、相互激荡。在这种新的形势下,我国的所有制结构发生了深刻的变化,传统的企业管理制度受到冲击,职工与企业之间的关系由过去的终身所属关系逐步过渡到现在的合同制契约关系。面对新变化,工会组织如何调整思路,带领职工参与单位的民主管理,充分发挥桥梁和纽带作用,显得日益重要。近年来,银川市第一人民医院工会围绕党的中心工作,对新形势下如何开展工作,如何做职工的贴心人进行了积极探索,收到了一定的成效。一、努力学习,提高工会干部素质是开展好各项工作的基础经济全球化浪潮的不断推进和信息技术革命的变革,以及多元文化广泛传播打破了以往时间、空间、地域的阻隔,扩展了人们的视觉空间和活动领 With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up, the social life in our country has undergone complex and profound changes. The economic composition, economic interests, social life and the diversification of forms of social organization are becoming increasingly evident. Contradictions and struggles in various fields of thought and ideology are complicated. Mutual excitation. Under such a new situation, profound changes have taken place in the ownership structure of our country. The traditional management system of enterprises has been impacted. The relationship between employees and enterprises has been gradually shifted from the former life-long relationship to the present contractual contractual relationship. In the face of new changes, it is becoming increasingly important for trade unions to adjust their thinking and lead their participation in the democratic management of their units so as to give full play to their role as bridge and link. In recent years, the First People’s Hospital of Yinchuan City, the work of the party center around the union, on how to carry out the work in the new situation, how to do the staff intimate people have been actively explored and received some results. I. Striving Hard to Learn and Improving the Qualities of Trade Unions Cadres are the Basis for Carrying Out Various Work Continuously advancing the tide of economic globalization and the revolution in the information technology revolution and the widespread dissemination of multiculturalism have broken the barriers of time, space and geography and expanded people’s The visual space and activity collar
《湖北省妇女发展规划(2001—2010年)》、《湖北省儿童发展规划(2001—2010年)》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真遵照执行。 The “Hubei Provincial Women’s Dev
国有企业垄断的领域麻烦不断,去年是陈久霖和中航油, 今年是刘其兵和国储局。 这是一场关于铜定价权的战争。战 争的直接冲突地点在英国伦敦金 属交易所,一方是中国国家物资