卢征远推介词Recommendation on Lu Zhengyuan’s Works推介人:卢迎华Recommender:Carol Lu Yinghua在中央美院就读雕塑系研究生的期间,卢征远曾经接受过一项不寻常的训练。担任他导师的、活跃在北京的艺术家隋建国要求他在100天的时间里每天创作一件作品。每天创作的作品没有形态上的规定,它不一定是雕塑作品,也没有其他具体的限制。唯一的设定就是每天一件,持续100天的时间。这项看似简单的任务对卢征远作为一位独立艺术家的创作和思考是有益的,而且是影响深远的。对于艺术,人们往往存在着一些不切实际的幻想和误解,而艺术是一项需要韧性和长时间的艰苦的脑力和心智的苦力劳动这一事实似乎令人难以接
Recommended Solicitors: Lu Yingyuan Recommender: Lu Yinghua Recommender: Carol Lu Yinghua Lu Zhengyuan has undergone an unusual training during his studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in the Graduate School of Sculpture. Sui Jianguo, an artist who is his mentor and active in Beijing, demanded that he create a piece of work every day for 100 days. There are no formal rules for daily creations. They are not necessarily sculptures and have no other specific restrictions. The only setting is one per day for 100 days. This seemingly simple task is beneficial and far-reaching to Lu Zhengyuan’s creation and thinking as an independent artist. There is often unrealistic fantasy and misunderstanding of art for the arts, and the fact that art is a coolie who needs toughness and a long period of hard work and mental hard work seems unmanageable