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在当前蔚成风气的物质文化研究中,马克思主义是一个重要的理论枢纽,也是物质文化研究诸分支思想交汇和方法分野的场域。商品是马克思主义理论的关键概念,也是物质文化研究的重心所在。从马克思对作为客体的商品的生产-消费分析到卢卡奇的物化理论和法兰克福学派的批判理论,商品/客体与人的二元对立关系不断突显,伯明翰学派的文化唯物主义的文化研究转向,视商品消费为大众文化的组成部分,为物质文化研究的兴起铺平了道路。物质文化研究重新思考人与物、物质与文化之间的关系,旨在确立人与物和谐共存的新观念,在此过程中,马克思主义理论在不同路径上的演进及其思想成果作为物质文化研究者批判的对象和继承的先驱,深刻地塑造了当前物质文化研究的思想面貌和方法范式。 Marxism is an important theoretical hub in the contemporary research of the material culture, and it is also a field where the branches of thought and methods of material and cultural studies converge. Commodity is the key concept of Marxist theory, but also the focus of material culture research. From Marx’s analysis of production-consumption of goods as object to Lukacs materialization theory and Frankfurt School’s critical theory, the dichotomy between commodity and object constantly emerges, the cultural studies of Birmingham school’s cultural materialism turn to be more and more complicated, Depending on the consumption of commodities as an integral part of mass culture, paving the way for the rise of material culture research. Material culture research rethinks the relationship between human beings and things, material and culture, aiming to establish a new concept of harmonious coexistence between people and things. In this process, the evolution of Marxist theory on different paths and its ideological achievements as material culture The object of criticism and the pioneer of succession of researchers profoundly shape the ideology and method paradigm of current research on material culture.
具有丰富法语教学经验的法国滨海布罗尼夏日大学(Boulogne-sur-merSummer University)是一所有50年校龄的暑期学校。它一般在7月份专门设有四个星期的快速法语班,一边学巩固法语
2 英格兰西北角坎布里亚郡6000平方公里的地方叫做湖区(Lake District)。这里风景秀美,众多大小湖泊处在崇山峻岭之间。诗人华兹华斯(Willam Wordsworth,1770~1850)和他的妹
自学考生对英语抽象名词的翻译感到很棘手。因为英语句子中大量使用抽象名词,而且其中很多是由后缀(如-ship、-ment、-ness 等)构成,其含义抽象,笼统。下面介绍翻译英语抽象
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“与苏宁易购已经盈利不同,库巴网和京东商城目前并无盈利需求,现在是跑马圈地的时代,最重要的是把你的领地扩大、扩大再扩大。”    京东商城董事局主席兼首席执行官刘强东,在他新浪微博的自我介绍中有这么一句话:“向一切暴利行为开战!”  凭借频频发动的价格战,成立三年后,京东商城2010年销售额突破了100亿元,成为中国最大的在线家电零售商之一,而刘强东本人也收获了家电零售业内人士送给他的“价格屠夫”