近年来,湖北省鄂州市政府机关事务管理局坚持贯彻落实科学发展观紧紧围绕全市中心工作,以“管理最好、服务最优、发展最快、保障有力”为工作思路,与时俱进,开拓创新,扎实工作,促进了机关事务工作的和谐发展。一、落实科学发展观.机关节能工作取得新进展。 1.广泛宣传发动,营造机关节能工作良好氛围。一是召开了全市市直机关节能工作会议,全面安排和部署市直机关节能工作。二是市政府办公室印发了《关于转发市机关事务管理局市直机关节能工作实施方案的通知》,明确了市直机
In recent years, Hubei Ezhou Municipal Government Administration Office adhere to implement the scientific concept of development closely around the work of the city center, “best management, best service, fastest growing, strong protection ” for the work train of thought, and Progress, innovation, solid work, and promote the harmonious development of the organs and affairs. First, the implementation of the scientific concept of development, institutional energy-saving work made new progress. A wide range of publicity to create a good working atmosphere of the government agencies. First, the municipality directly under the authority of energy-saving work conference was held to fully arrange and deploy municipal authorities energy-saving work. Second, the municipal government office issued a “Notice on Forwarding Municipal Authority Authority municipal authorities energy conservation implementation of the program,” the city straight machine