
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:starrydzf_01
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作为基层中医医院如何继承、整理、提高祖国医药学,最大限度地满足人民群众的中医医疗要求,笔者认为:基层中医医院必须在突出中医专科特色的同时,狠抓“双文明”建设,才能增强医院活力,扩大医院影响,使医院从“求生存”逐步走上“求发展”的道路。 As a grass-roots Chinese medicine hospital how to inherit, collate and improve the medical science of the motherland and meet the people’s medical treatment requirements of Chinese medicine to the maximum extent, I believe that the primary-level Chinese medicine hospitals must pay special attention to the “double civilization” construction while highlighting the specialties of traditional Chinese medicine to enhance The vitality of the hospital has expanded the influence of the hospital, and has allowed the hospital to gradually embark on the road of “pursuing development”.
Li Hua is one of my classmates.We are good friends.Li Hua is kind and warmhearted.When somebody in her class falls ill,she goes to attend to him or her.When som
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今年4月,山东省招远县卫生部门就合作医疗的存在和发展,搞了一次民意测验,结果是:90%以上的人都拥护乡村两级办合作医疗。 合作医疗组和自费医疗组的对比调查显示: ——在妇
临床成对观察资料(双耳、双眼)的疗效分析大多从两方面入手,以单个病人或以患病器官数为观察单位统计分析。本文介绍一种成对观察资料的百分比线性趋势分析方法。 The effi
1 材料 动物:SD大白鼠,浙江省实验动物中心提供。雌雄各半,体重250~300g。药品:金匮肾气丸,杭州胡庆余堂药厂生产;盐酸胱胺,上海人发综合利用厂出品。 1 Materials Animals:
电子计算机技术在许多预防性医疗检查中的应用,对完善医疗手段提出了一系列要求。1986年5月30日,苏联卫生部发布指示,确定附表:劳动者体格检查的自动询访登记AOMMOT 患者检
Our school life is busy and colorful.We have six lessons a day.We have many subjects to learn,such as Chinese,Maths,English,Chemistry,Physics,History,Geography,