李亚军的版画,尤其是那幅一群仙鹤伴着祥云从怀拥着运载火箭的发射塔架前飞过、题名《和平·事业》的套色木刻,平滑的线条与敦实的块面组成壮美的画面,使人赏心悦目。这件参加庆祝建军60周年的全国美术作品展览、又收入《中国人民解放军作品选集》的作品以及她后来创作的《高高的雷达站》、《前方来信》等一系列版画,越来越引起人们的关注。 近来,李亚军又创作了一批以人物为主的水彩画:《大凉山组画》、《天山行组画》、《在海边组画》、《山里的孩子组画》等。 乍看这些画,构图简洁、线条刚健、色调浑朴、手法苍劲。细品这些画,很讲究虚实:以实带虚,以虚托
Li Yajun’s prints, especially the group of cents cranes flying in front of the launch tower holding the launch vehicle with the auspicious cloud, titled “Peace, Cause,” the hedging of woodblocks, smooth lines and dignified blocks make up a magnificent picture, Make people feel good. This series of prints, such as the “High Radar Station” and “Letter from the Front”, which she later participated in celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, as well as the works of the “Selected Works of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army” Attract people’s attention. Recently, Li Yajun has also created a number of watercolor-based figures: “Da Liangshan Group Painting”, “Tianshan line group painting”, “painting at the seaside”, “group painting of children in the mountains” and so on. At first glance, these paintings, composition simple, solid lines, simple and hue, vigorous way. Fine these paintings, very particular about the actual situation: real with virtual, virtual care