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襄阳人大概都知道,六年前刚成立五年的襄阳县客运公司陷入了颓败的泥潭,企业负债310多万元,资不抵债70多万元。干部想脱壳,职工想跳槽,公司濒于倒闭的边缘……而自1989年以来,公司更名为湖北襄阳安达运输总公司后,犹如插上了腾飞的翅膀,经营越来越红火,实力越来越雄厚,凝聚力越来越强,企业出现一派兴旺发达的景象。据统计,近六年中,公司共创收2300多万元,上交国家各种税费500多万元,新 Xiangyang people probably know that Xiangyang County Passenger Transport Company, which was established six years ago just five years ago, has fallen into a quagmire of decadent debts. Its corporate debts are over 3.1 million yuan and over 700,000 yuan is insolvent. Cadres want to shelling, workers want to quit, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy ... ... And since 1989, the company changed its name to Hubei Xiangyang Anda Transport Corporation, as if inserted on the wings of take-off, operating more prosperous, more and more strength The more abundant, more and more cohesion, the emergence of a group of enterprises thriving developed scene. According to statistics, in the past six years, the company has made a total revenue of over 23 million yuan, turned over more than 5 million yuan of various taxes and fees for the country,
洛阳是我国重工业基地 ,辖区内大、中型企业达 30多个 ,每年出口创汇居全省第一 ,其中机电产品出口量占 80 %以上 ,且大多有木质包装。自1 998年 9月份以来 ,美国、加拿大、
本文介绍了用对流磨在低温条件下粉碎塑料、橡胶等塑性材料的试验研究及用激光颗粒测试仪测量出粉碎产物的粒度分布。 This paper introduces the experimental research on
ABM: To enhance the radiosensitivity of human colon cancer cells by docetaxel. METHODS: Immunoliposomal docetaxel was prepared by coupling monoclonal antibody a
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本文用CNDO/2的量化计算方法估计了单硅酸、双硅酸和三硅酸分子中氢氧键的强度,并以此解释实验发现的这几种硅酸溶液的酸强度:单硅酸>双硅酸 Bis-silicic acid