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曾经读过一首小诗,诗名《风》,其中有这样几句:我看到你做过各种各样的事情,却常常隐蔽掉你的行踪。我根本看不到你的身影,可感触到你的推动。细细吟诵这几句,不禁想到:诗句中对风的描述不恰恰是对教师角色的精彩写照吗?是到了教师“退出”历史舞台的时刻了,退居幕后,甘做一名幕后的智者,关键时刻点一点、拨一拨,把更多的时间、空间放心地交还给学生。又到了两周一次的作文点评课了。以往的课堂上,都是我这 Have read a poem, the poem “Wind”, of which there are such a few: I see you have done a variety of things, but often hide your whereabouts. I do not see your figure, you can feel the push. Recite these few words carefully, can not help but think: the description of the wind in the poem is not exactly a wonderful portrayal of the role of the teacher? Is the teacher “exit ” the stage of history, retired behind the scenes, willing to be a Behind the scenes wise men, the key moment of a little, dial a dial, more time and space safely returned to the students. Also to the bi-weekly essay review class. In the past class, it was me
据《Ceramic Industry》1991.Vol.136,№2报导,英国ICI新型材料公司研制成一种能减小陶瓷脆性的方法。他们在研究中发现,在材料中采用弱的界面使裂纹长大偏移的方法是解决和
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张早早的机械生活开始得很早,第一块表是在高中时代。他用在网上卖数据库的钱买了第一块瑞士表——欧米茄海马(Sea Master)。不到10年的工夫,他的表已经数十只。去年,他又购
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While walkers are commonly prescribed to improve patient stability and ambulatory ability,quantitative study of the biomechanical and functional requirements fo