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为了全面了解我国企业信息化的发展状况,2003年8月,中国社会科学院信息化研究中心开展了“中国企业信息化发展状况调查”,发表了调查报告。两年来,企业改革一步步深化,企业信息化向纵深发展,信息化的环境条件也进一步改善。为了及时反映当前企业信息化状况,2005年 8-9月,中国社会科学院信息化研究中心再次启动了“中国企业信息化发展状况调查(2005)”。鉴于装备制造业在国民经济中的重要作用,我们对其中装备制造企业的数据进行了专门分析。以下就是本次调查中装备制造企业信息化的主要情况。本次调查的对象,为全国各主要行业的大中型企业,同时兼顾一定比例的小型企业。全部有效调查问卷为852份(以下简称样本总体),我们 In order to fully understand the development of China’s enterprise information, in August 2003, CASS Informatization Research Center conducted the “Survey on the Development of China’s Enterprise Informatization” and released the investigation report. In the past two years, the reform of enterprises has been deepened step by step, the development of enterprise informatization has been further developed, and the environmental conditions for informatization have been further improved. In order to reflect the current status of enterprise information in a timely manner, from August to September 2005, the Information Technology Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences launched the “Survey of the Development of Enterprise Informationization in China (2005)” again. In view of the important role of the equipment manufacturing industry in the national economy, we conducted a special analysis of the data on which the equipment manufacturing enterprises are equipped. The following is the survey of equipment manufacturing enterprises in the main information. The target of this survey is that large and medium-sized enterprises in major industries across the country take into account a certain percentage of small-scale enterprises. All valid questionnaires for the 852 (hereinafter referred to as the sample overall), we
日照祥麓  彭小慕看到最喜欢的旅行杂志《中国国家地理》的官微,转发了一个微博名叫“日照祥麓”的人的微博。他拍下了这座城市红色的日出、蓝色的海岸、蜿蜒的长路。  彭小慕对自己说:这座城市,从名字听起来,像是我应该住的地方。有阳光,有海浪声,夏天明媚冬天冷清,四季分明。  于是她上网,果断买下一张日照的地图,贴在自己的书桌前。  然后,在地图背面,她用荧光色的签字笔悄悄写下:希望明年夏天,程双能带彭小
The main task of current Chinese Textile In- dustry is shifting the traditional models of indus- try increase, from competition by means of quan- tity to compet
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唐老板50多岁,是房地产公司的老板。他虽然只有小学学历,却靠着自身拼搏,白手起家,有了今天的财富。所以他很瞧不起读书人,口头禅是:“读书人算什么?老子没知识,有知识的人还不是得给我打工?”  唐老板的妻子桂花是个美女。她虽然已经37岁了,却有着成熟女人独特的魅力,很能吸引小鲜肉。这令唐老板对她很不放心,所以把她安排在自己的房地产公司做财务总监。可唐老板万万没想到,即使这样,桂花还是跟公司里一个姓王
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全区人武系统和民兵预备役部队认真学习 贯彻十六大精神,坚决表示要坚定不移地坚持 党对军队的绝对领导,坚持党管武装的原则, 为建设强大国防再立新功 The people’s armed