
来源 :上海大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mabeishangdeniuzi
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The analytical expressions was deduced for the inviscid flow field induced by the double vortex filaments that move uniformly and rigidly without change of its form in a cylindrical tube, where the vortex filaments rotate around its axial with a constant angular velocity and translates along its axial with a constant transferal velocity. It is a key of solving problem to set up a moving cylindrical coordinate system together with the vortex filaments motion, in which the relative velocity field is presumed to be time-independent and with helical symmetry. The result shows that the absolute velocity field and pressure field are all time-periodic functions, and may degenerate into a time-independent field when the helical vortex filaments slip along the filaments themselves or is immobile. The calculation results at the location of pressure peaks and valleys on pipe wall are accordant with experimental results. When the cylindrical pipe radius tends to infinitely large quantity, it is also concluded that the double helical vortex filaments induce flow field in an unbound space.
不惑之年过后开始踩刹车,可怕的惯性力量还是把我飞快带进知天命的年纪。以我对生命预估的七十寿限来说,人生上卷初始部分那些繁琐杂乱的小事情也该盘点清算一下,留下少数珍稀的,其余全部扫进垃圾堆,腾出的大脑空间用来贮存阳光雨露。  “文化大革命”开始那年,我刚好六岁,无法感觉到这场运动的摧枯拉朽。  通常酝酿成骤风暴雨总是要消耗一些时间的,紧赶慢赶刮进东南一隅,抵达闽赣边界的山城,再花力气打乱一下千百年来
从1894年孙中山在檀香山创立兴中会到1911年辛亥革命,历时l7年,先后共发动十次武装起义,所耗资金62万余港元,多由华侨资助。据辛亥革命后的统计,海外华侨共为革命捐款394.281万元。民国成立后,南京临时政府财政困难,各地华侨节衣缩食,捐款达600万元。  开始时,革命经费主要来自檀香山。孙中山的长兄孙眉即捐助部分家产、贱卖耕牛充为军饷,共筹得13000元港币作为广州起义军费。之后,随着革命
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