Investigation on the Effect of Lubricating-Oil Temperature on Deceleration Process of the Diesel Eng

来源 :Journal of China Ordnance | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qlp9463
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The variation of the curve of the no-load deceleration process of the diesel engine is affected by the lubricating-oil temperature. To improve the evaluating accuracy of the diesel engine technical condition by using no-load deceleration process,the investigation on the deceleration process curve under various lubricating-oil temperatures of a special-type vehicular diesel engine is conducted and the no-load deceleration curve tested under various lubricating-oil temperatures is normalized. The normalized calculation method is searched. As a result,the repeatability of the no-load deceleration curve is improved and the absolute time error of no-load deceleration under various lubricating oil temperatures is reduced. The improvement of the curve of the no-load deceleration process of the diesel engine is affected by the lubricating-oil temperature. To improve the agreement accuracy of the diesel engine technical condition by using no-load deceleration process, the investigation on the deceleration process curve under various lubricating-oil temperatures of a special-type vehicular diesel engine is conducted and the no-load deceleration curve tested under various lubricating-oil temperatures is normalized. The normalized calculation method is searched. As a result, the repeatability of the no -load deceleration curve is improved and the absolute time error of no-load deceleration under various lubricating oil temperatures is reduced.
视神经脊髓炎属脱髓鞘病。认为是多发性硬化的一种表现形式。最近用莨菪类药治愈2例,现报告如下。例1 孙××,女,28岁。以剧烈头痛、呕吐1.5天,视物不清,双下肢麻木无力半天
<正> 我院从1980年10月至1993年10月共手术治疗阑尾炎2520例。其中妊娠期阑尾炎手术128例,占5%(128/2520)。现就妊娠期阑尾炎临床特点分析讨论如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般情