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目前中国的电影产量不断增加,电影票房收入增速较快;院线和影院发展较快;影片类型也越来越丰富,票房过亿的影片越来越多。但是和国外电影相比,还存在差距:虽然中国电影产量和票房总量增多,但是平均票房收入较低;中国电影的市场规模较小,观影人次不多;中国电影海外影响力较小,竞争力不强;中国电影投入产出低,盈利水平不高。 At present, China’s film production continues to increase, the movie box office revenue growth faster; cinemas and cinema faster development; film types are also more and more rich, more than 100 million at the box office video. However, compared with foreign films, there is still a gap: although the output of Chinese movies and the increase of the total amount of box office receipts, the average box office receipts are lower; the market size of Chinese films is smaller and the number of viewers is small; the overseas influence of Chinese films is relatively small, Competitiveness is not strong; Chinese film input output is low, profitability is not high.
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