Time-dependent changes of glial fibriliary acidic protein and cytosolic phospholipase A2 in hippocam

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my525
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BACKGROUND: Interaction between astrocyte and neuron may two-dimensionally influence on ischemic injury; however, glial fibriliary acidic protein (GFAP) and cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) are both important markers to reflect changes of astrocyte and neuron after cerebral ischemia, respectively. OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of GFAP and positive cPLA2 cells in hippocampal area of model rats with focal cerebral ischemia in various phases of cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. DESIGN: Randomized contrast observation.SETTING: Department of Basic Medical Science, Medical College of Wuhan Polytechnic University; Faculty of Human Anatomy and Histology & Embryology, Medical College of Wuhan University. MATERIALS: The experiment was carried out in the Department of Basic Medical Science, Medical College of Wuhan Industry College from May to June 2004. A total of 28 healthy SD rats of either gender and weighing 200-250 g were provided by Animal Department of Medical College of Jianghan University.METHODS: All 28 rats were randomly divided into 7 groups, including sham operation group, 2-, 6-, 12-, 24- and 48-reperfusion groups, and triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) group, with 4 in each group. Two hours after ischemia, ischemia/reperfusion models were established in left middle cerebral artery (MCA); common carotid artery was ligated and line cork was inserted into it with the depth of (1.8±0.5) cm. Rats in sham operation group were inserted with the depth of 1.0 cm, and other operations were as the same as those in 2-hour ischemia/reperfusion groups. Models in TTC group were established as the same as those in 2-hour ischemia/24-hour reperfusion group, and they were used to evaluate the therapeutic effect. Changes of GFAP and cPLA2 in hippocampal area in various phases were detected with immunohistochemical method. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes of GFAP and positive cPLA2 cells in hippocampal area of rats with focal cerebral ischemia in various phases of ischemia/reperfusion. RESULTS: All 28 rats were involved in the final analysis without any loss. ① Animal models successfully showed the effect of focal cerebral ischemia. ② Changes of GFAP and cPLA2 in hippocampal area in various phases: Two hours after ischemia/reperfusion, changes of GFAP and cPLA2 were increased gradually, reached at peak at 24 hours, and decreased gradually. CONCLUSION: Courses of GFAP and cPLA2 are changed at the onset of focal cerebral ischemia, and this suggests that both of them participate in injury or protection of brain tissue of focal cerebral ischemia. BACKGROUND: Interaction between astrocyte and neuron may two-dimensionally influenced on ischemic injury; however, glial fibriliary acidic protein (GFAP) and cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) are both important markers to reflect changes of astrocyte and neuron after cerebral ischemia, respectively. OBJECTIVE : To observe the changes of GFAP and positive cPLA2 cells in hippocampal area of ​​model rats with focal cerebral ischemia in various phases of cerebral ischemia / reperfusion. DESIGN: Randomized contrast observation. SETTING: Department of Basic Medical Science, Medical College of Wuhan Polytechnic University ; Faculty of Human Anatomy and Histology & Embryology, Medical College of Wuhan University. MATERIALS: The experiment was carried out in the Department of Basic Medical Science, Medical College of Wuhan Industry College from May to June 2004. A total of 28 healthy SD rats of either gender and weighing 200-250 g were provided by Animal Department of Medical College of Jianghan Unive rsity.METHODS: All 28 rats were randomly divided into 7 groups, including sham operation group, 2-, 6-, 12-, 24- and 48-reperfusion groups, and triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) group, with 4 in each group. Two hours after ischemia, ischemia / reperfusion models were established in left middle cerebral artery (MCA); common carotid artery was ligated and line cork was inserted into it with the depth of (1.8 ± 0.5) cm. Rats in sham operation group were inserted with the depth of 1.0 cm, and other operations were as the same as those in 2-hour ischemia / reperfusion groups. Models in TTC group were established as the same as those in 2-hour ischemia / 24-hour reperfusion group, and they were used to evaluate the therapeutic effect. Changes of GFAP and cPLA2 in hippocampal area in various phases were detected with immunohistochemical method. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes of GFAP and positive cPLA2 cells in hippocampal area of ​​rats with focal cerebral ischemia in various phases of ischemia / repe rfusion. RESULTS: All 28 rats were involved in the final analysis without any loss. ① Animal models successfully showed the effect of focal cerebral ischemia. ② Changes of GFAP and cPLA2 in hippocampal area in various phases: Two hours after ischemia / reperfusion, changes of GFAP and cPLA2 were increased gradually, reached at peak at 24 hours, and decreased gradually. CONCLUSION: Courses of GFAP and cPLA2 are changed at the onset of focal cerebral ischemia, and this suggests that both of them participate in injury or protection of brain tissue of focal cerebral ischemia.
目的 寻找特异性、敏感性较高 ,且价廉和制备简易的血吸虫病诊断抗原。方法 用酶链免疫吸附实验(ELISA)比较 4种抗原检测 5 8例慢性血吸虫病人的阳性率及 41例正常人血清和
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在新中国最封闭保守的“文革”时期,北京形成了大大小小的地下读书圈子。徐浩渊当年20岁出头,性格强势,跟一群比她小两三岁的孩子在一起,像个“大姐大”。于是,这段历史在很多年后的学者研究里,变成了“徐浩渊地下读书沙龙”,这位中共高干后代的阅读经历也被传得神乎其神。    徐浩渊第一次痛苦的阅读经历是小学六年级是看《牛虻》,1961年。  她假装生病,逃过了体育课,躲进教室里。“那本书是竖排的,怕串行,
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