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蔡锷,湖南邵阳人。他师从梁启超、谭嗣同,早年接受维新思想,曾担任云南军政府都督,与云南唐继尧等人发动护国战争;李宗仁,广西人。国民党政府的代总统,陆军一级上将,先后参加护国战争、护法战争、北伐战争、抗日战争。1949年1月蒋介石“引退”后,任代总统。曾派代表团到北平与中国共产党进行和平谈判,国民党败退后前往美国。1965年,李宗仁夫妇在周恩来总理安排下回国。这两位民国历史上赫赫有名的人物,早年是亲密的师生关系。然而最初的相识,却是源于一件“不太愉快”的故事。事情还要从晚清政府兴办学堂说起。 Cai E, Hunan Shaoyang people. He studied with Liang Qichao and Tan Sitong in his early years to accept the idea of ​​reform. He served as governor of the Yunnan Military Government and started a national war with Tang Jianyao of Yunnan Province; Li Tsung-jen and Guangxi people. The acting president of the Kuomintang government, an army chief, successively took part in the war on national security, the war on legal protection, the Northern Expedition and the Anti-Japanese War. In 1949 January Chiang Kai-shek “retirement ” after the president. He sent a delegation to Peking to hold peaceful negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang to retreat to the United States. In 1965, Li Zongren and his wife returned to China under the arrangements of Premier Zhou Enlai. The two well-known figures in the history of the Republic of China, the early years is a close relationship between teachers and students. However, the initial acquaintance, it is derived from a “less than happy ” story. Things have to start from the late Qing government school.
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