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  1. 比较级构成误用
  I am tireder than you. (F)
  I am more tired than you. (T)
  归纳 熟记下列不规则形容词副词的比较等级的构成:
  例1 To make matters bad, now I have to share a room with my younger sister, Maggie.
  解析 bad→worse。这里用短语to make things/matters worse表示“更糟糕的是”,因此这里用形容词的比较级worse。
  例2 I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.
  解析 little→less。考查形容词的比较级。根据语境及上文中的more patient可知这里应把little改为比较级less。
  例3 Many people have donated that type of blood, however, the blood bank needs _______ (much).
  解析 more。句意:很多人都捐献了那种血型的血,然而,血库需要更多。由many people和however可知应该用more表示“更多”。
  例4 It may not be a great suggestion. But before a _______ (good) one is put forward, we will make do with it.
  解析 better。句意:它或许不是一个好建议,但在有更好的建议之前,我们先凑合一下。此处暗含比較。
  例5 If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work,you should take a step back and identify those of greater and ________ (little) importance.
  解析 less。考查形容词的比较级。根据语境及上文的greater and可知此处应该用形容词的比较级来修饰importance,故填less。
  2. 比较连词混用
  His story is more interesting as my sister’s. (F)
  His story is more interesting than my sister’s. (T)
  His story is as interesting as my sister’s. (T)
  归纳 more与than搭配,as ... as ...是固定结构。
  例6 It is said that the power plant is now twice __________ large as what it was.
  解析 as。句意:据说现在这个发电厂是以前的两倍大。倍数的表示法有多种,此处为“倍数+as ... as ...”结构,因此本空填as。
  例7 There are a small number of people involved, possibly as little as twenty.
  解析 1ittle→few。句意:只有少数人牵涉其中,可能少到只有20人。本句twenty后省略了people(集体名词),故用few而不是little修饰。
  3. 转化错误
  Tom is not as/so tall as Mike.
  Tom is taller than Mike. (F)
  Tom is shorter than Mike. (T)
  Mike is taller than Tom. (T)
  Science is not as/so popular as Chinese.
  Science is more popular than Chinese. (F)
  Chinese is more popular than Science. (T)
  Science is less popular than Chinese. (T)
  I prefer swimming to skating.
  I like skating better than swimming. (F)
  I like swimming better than skating. (T)
  Today is not cold than yesterday. (F)
  Today is less cold than yesterday. (T)
  This book is two time as thick as that one. (F)   This book is two times as thick as that one. (T)
  归纳 not so/as ... as ...结构强调前者比不上后者;prefer ... to ...句型强调更喜欢的是前者;less ... than ...以及more ... than ...用于多音节形容词的比较级中。降级比较也用“less+原级(单/多音节)+than”,如Today is less cold than yesterday;在表达倍数时,常用句型有“倍数+as ... as ...”和“倍数+比较级+than ...”。当倍数是两倍时常用double或twice表示,当倍数大于1时,time应用复数形式。
  例8 I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time, there are ________ (meaningful) things to do.
  解析 more meaningful。句意:我认为每天晚上看电视是浪费时间, 有更有意义的事可以去做。根据句意可知,此处应用meaningful的比较级形式。
  4. 比较级与最高级之间的转化错误
  Jim is taller than Tom and Mike.
  Jim is tallest of the three. (F)
  Jim is the tallest of the three. (T)
  归纳 形容词最高级前面不能省略the。
  例9 Of the two coats, I would choose the cheapest one to spare some money for a book.
  解析 cheapest→cheaper。考查形容词的比较级,根据语境及上文中的of the two coats可知。
  5. 最高级后的介词in of与among误用
  China is one of the biggest countries of/among the world. (F)
  China is one of the biggest countries in the world. (T)
  归纳 in表示范围,后面跟表示单位、組织、时间等的名词,in后的名词和主语不是同一范畴:而of或among后的名词与主语是同一范畴,表示属性。
  He is the strongest of/among the boys. (T)
  6. 最高级后的名词单复数误用
  Shanghai is one of the biggest city in China. (F)
  Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. (T)
  7. 漏谓语动词
  China stronger and stronger. (F)
  China is becomes/becoming stronger and stronger. (T)
  8. 比较级前漏the
  He is busier of the two. (F)
  He is the busier of the two. (T)
  Harder you study,the happier you will be. (F)
  The harder you study. the happier you will be. (T)
  归纳 the用于比较级前面表示特指,表示“(两者中)较……的那个”;“the+比较级……,the+比较级……”句型表示“越……,越……”。
  例10 The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much _________ (good).
  解析 the better。句意:结果对我们来说不太重要,但是如果我们确实赢了,那就更好了。so much the better表示“那就更好了”,是固定搭配。
  9. the的省略
  The farmers are the busiest in autumn. (F)
  归纳 去掉the。作表语的形容词最高级前面,如果没有和别的人或事物比较,往往省略the。
  Tom is my the best friend. (F)
  归纳 去掉the。最高级前面已有物主代词或指示代词修饰时,常常省略the。
  例11 Andy is content with the toy. It is _________ (good) he has ever got.
  解析 the best。句意:安迪很满意这个玩具。这是他至今得到的最好的玩具。根据句意可知,空格处用形容词最高级,形容词最高级前须加定冠词the。
  例12 Raymond’s parents wanted him to have _________ (good) possible education.
  解析 the best。考查形容词最高级。根据句意可知,此处应用“the+形容词最高级”。
  10. “越来越……”句型误用
  Our school gets more beautiful and more beautiful. (F)   Our school gets more and more beautiful. (T)
  例13 Up to a certain point, the more stress you are under, __________ (good) your performance will be.
  解析 the better。本句使用“the+比較级+主谓,the+比较级+主谓”的句型。故填the better。
  11. 比较等级选用不当
  Which one is important, English or Maths?(F)
  Which one is more important, English or Maths?(T)
  Who is more careless, Tom, Jack or Jim?(F)
  Who is the most careless, Tom, Jack or Jim?(T)
  归纳 在上述句型中,比较的等级必须由比较对象的数量来决定。如果是A和B两者用比较级,三者则用最高级。
  12. 比较类别混乱
  His book is newer than l/me. (F)
  His book is newer than mine. (T)
  归纳 “他的书”的新旧不能与“我”这个人比,因为书和人不是同一类事物。
  In winter, Guangdong is warmer than Beijing. (F)
  In winter, the weather in Guangdong is warmer than Beijing. (F)
  In winter, the weather of Guangdong is warmer than that of Beijing. (T)
  归纳 地方没有温暖的说法;一个地区的气候只能与另一个地区的气候比;要使比较对象一致,当对比双方的定语不同时,应增加代词that或those。
  例14 The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than on the small ones.
  解析 在than后加that。此处指前面提到的The traffic,要使比较对象一致。
  13. 比较逻辑错误
  Tom is more careful than any boy in his class. (F)
  Tom is more careful than any other girl in his class. (F)
  Tom is more careful than any other boys in his class. (F)
  Tom is more careful than anyone/anybody else in his class. (T)
  Nobody else is more careful than Tom in Tom’s class. (T)
  Nobody/No one is more careful than Tom in his class. (T)
  Tom is more careful than any of the other student in his class. (F)
  归纳 any boy中包括Tom本人,Tom怎么会比他本人更细致呢?因此同一男孩群体作比较应在any后面加other,并且后接可数名词单数形式。但如果是any of the other带复数可数名词。如果比较的两者不属于同一群体,即boy与girl,则不能用other。上述句型均用比较级形式达到最高级效果。
  14. 比较等级前的修饰词误用
  He is more kinder than I. (F)
  He is much kinder than I. (T)
  Our school is much beautiful than before. (F)
  Our school is much more beautiful than before. (T)
  归纳 very不能与比较级或最高级连用,修饰比较级表示程度的词有much/far/even/a little。修饰多音节形容词的比较级,表示“比……得多”,应用“much more+多音节形容词”结构。
  例15 Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is more cleaner than ever.
  解析 去掉more。句中已经有了比较级形式cleaner, more是多余的。
  例16 This is by far __________(inspiring) movie that I have ever seen.
  解析 the most inspiring。句意:这是我看过的最鼓舞人心的电影了。根据that引导的定语从句的描述可知,这里应该用最高级形式。
  例17 After the accident, we are ________ (concerned) with the safety of school buses than we used to be.
  解析 more concerned。句意:事故发生后,我们比以前更关注校车安全了。由than可知此处要用比较级。
  It is well known that the engineering quality of graduates is one of the core indicators for measuring the quality of teaching in engineering colleges and i
“发展是解决一切问题的总钥匙。推进‘一带一路’建设,要聚焦发展这个根本性问题,释放各国发展潜力,实现经济大融合、发展大联动、成果大共享。”5月14日,习近平主席在“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上发表主旨演讲,回顾了4年来“一带一路”建设收获的丰硕果实,也为全球治理和发展提供了一份振奋人心的中国方案。  “习近平主席的演讲高瞻远瞩、求真务实,既为‘一带一路’建设指明了方向和路径,又为人类命运共同