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高炉每个风口进风量的多少,决定于它前端回旋区空间的大小。对于高炉冶炼过程来说,希望同一高炉每个风口的进风量可以调节,使炉料在圆周方向上的下降速度、还原程度和熔化数量尽可能均衡,以达到炉况稳定、顺行,使上升煤气的热能、化学能得到充分利用,最终获得良好的技术经济指标。 迄今为止,用改变送风通道截面面积的方法来调节风口风量,只能在高炉休风状态下更换不同直径的风口来实现。高炉送风时,进行在线的风口风量调节,仅是炼铁工作者的良好愿望而已。这是因为还没有找到能承受现代化高炉的高风温(900~1300℃)、高风压(4~5MPa)、高流速(>150m/s)和富氧(3~5%)严峻条件下工作的材料和以此材料制作的控制热风流量装置。 Blast furnace inlet air volume per number, depending on the size of its front-end space area. For the blast furnace smelting process, it is hoped that the air volume of each tuyere of the same blast furnace can be adjusted so that the rate of reduction of the charge in the circumferential direction, the degree of reduction and the amount of melting are balanced as much as possible in order to achieve a stable furnace condition and to make the ascending gas Of the heat, chemical can be fully utilized, and ultimately get a good technical and economic indicators. So far, by changing the cross-sectional area of ​​the air passageway to adjust the air volume of the tuyere, it is only possible to change tuyeres of different diameters under blast-off state. Blast furnace air supply, the air outlet air volume adjustment is only a good wish of ironworks workers only. This is because we have not yet found the high temperature (900 ~ 1300 ℃), high wind pressure (4 ~ 5MPa), high velocity (> 150m / s) Work materials and control of the hot air flow device made of this material.
产量和消费量1984年美国原生金属锡的消费量比1983年高10%。1985年的需求水平予计略高于1984年。整个1984年,美国总务署提供金属锡给Macalloy和Elkem Metals做为改进铬和锰
目的:探讨胞嘧啶脱氨酶基因对胃癌细胞的杀伤作用。方法:应用胞嘧啶脱氨酶(CD)基因,通过逆转录病毒载体转入人胃癌细胞M85中,经0.4 m g/m l的G418筛选阳性克隆的M85细胞产生杀伤作用同时,还对与其共培养
为了减少汽车燃烧汽油所造成的环境污染,氢能、太阳能等绿色燃料的使用纷纷成为现实。但在盛产橘子的西班牙的瓦伦西亚,人们却有望用上价格低廉且环保的果汁燃料。 In order
The peculiar images,the boat and the sea,often recur in the poems of Emily Dickinson,the great American poet,which well reflect her internal conflicts,the confl