Hepatospheres:Three dimensional cell cultures resemble physiological conditions of the liver

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaokao514
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Studying physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms in the liver on a molecular basis is a challenging task.During two dimensional(2D) culture conditions hepatocytes dedifferentiate rapidly by losing metabolic functions and structural integrity.Hence,inappropriate 2D hepatocellular models hamper studies on the xenobiotic metabolism of the liver which strongly influences drug potency.Also,the lack of effective therapies against hepatocellular carcinoma shows the urgent need for robust models to investigate liver functions in a defined hepatic microenvironment.Here,we summarize and discuss three-dimensional cultures of hepatocytes,herein referred to as hepatospheres,which provide versatile tools to investigate hepatic metabolism,stemness and cancer development. Studying physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms in the liver on a molecular basis is a challenging task. Two-week culture conditions of hepatocytes dedifferentiate by losing metabolic functions and structural integrity .ence, inappropriate 2D hepatocellular models hamper studies on the xenobiotic metabolism of the liver which is due influences drug potency. Also, the lack of effective therapies against hepatocellular carcinoma shows the urgent need for robust models to investigate liver functions in a defined hepatic microenvironment. Here, we summarize and discuss three-dimensional cultures of hepatocytes, herein referred to to as hepatospheres, which provide versatile tools to investigate hepatic metabolism, stemness and cancer development.
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摘 要 针对目前我国高职教育存在较多低效甚至是无效教学的问题,指出探索有效教学模式的必要性,阐述有效教学模式的特点。在分析通风工程课程原有教学模式的基础上,着重对该课程的有效教学模式进行积极的探索与实践,为高职院校教师对其他课程进行有效教学模式开发提供指导。  关键词 高职教育;通风工程;教学模式  中图分类号:G712 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671-489X(2012)18-