营造轻松教学氛围 提高英语教学效率

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根据教学内容和学生的年龄特点要灵活运用不同的教学方式,要尽量直观地呈现英语单词,创设情境,开展游戏、竞赛等教学活动,尽量让学生在具体语境中学习英语词汇,使学生愿意记,开心记,学得快,记得牢。一、建立和谐的师生关系,营造良好的教学氛围学生对英语缺乏兴趣,甚至存在一定的畏惧心理,成为提高教学效率的障碍。良好的教学氛围也是激发学生学习兴趣和提高教学效率的重要条件。教师在英语教学中应尊重学生的个性和人格,教师不仅要传授知识,还要有爱心, According to the teaching content and the characteristics of the age of students to use different teaching methods to be flexible, as far as possible to visualize the English words, create situations, games, competitions and other teaching activities, as far as possible so that students learn English vocabulary in specific contexts, so that students are willing Remember, happy mind, learn fast, remember jail. First, the establishment of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students to create a good teaching atmosphere Students lack interest in English, and even some fear, as obstacles to improve teaching efficiency. A good teaching atmosphere is also an important condition to stimulate students’ interest in learning and improve teaching efficiency. Teachers in English teaching should respect the personality and personality of students, teachers not only impart knowledge, but also love,
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