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1405年7月11日,我国明代杰出的航海家郑和率领由62艘船只、2.7万余人组成的庞大船队,从江苏太仓县刘家港扬帆启锚,经福建五虎门出国,首下西洋,揭开了人类航海史上规模空前的伟大航程的序幕。 500多年后的1987年4月27日,一艘以“郑和”命名的新型训练舰交接典礼在上海隆重举行。从此,这艘排水量5000多吨的航海训练舰,不但以其先进的航海教学设备和“中国军校第一舰”的殊荣而令人刮目相看,而且还因它是以“81”这个中国人民解放军建军纪念日为舷号,成为到目前为止在人民海军舰艇舷号中唯一享有两位数的舰艇。据说, On July 11, 1405, Zheng He, an outstanding navigator of the Ming Dynasty in China, led a huge fleet of 62 ships and more than 27,000 people. It sailed from Liujiagang, Taicang County, Jiangsu Province. After leaving Fujian Five Humen for the first time Western, opened the prelude to the great voyage of unprecedented scale in the history of human navigation. More than 500 years later, on April 27, 1987, a handover ceremony of a new training ship named after “Zheng He” was held in Shanghai. Since then, the ship more than 5,000 tons of displacement training ship, not only with its advanced navigation equipment and “China’s military first ship” award-winning and impressive, but also because it is “81” of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army The military anniversary was the hull number, making it the only double-digit ship so far in the People’s Naval Navy. It is said that,
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