
来源 :现代青年(细节版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:howard88
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向闻人言,绘画生活甚苦。然绘画之初,自谓绘水墨则不同,必大乐。近来尝遍各种滋味,始知其中甘苦各半。先说其苦。前日草原归来,风烟俱净,天山共色,软草坪、洗脚溪,一览无余,刹时,胸心开阔,草稿不患少而患多,汗牛充栋,整理不暇,然几张下来无一成事,满腹热情,难得释怀,故自责“绘事难矣!”。古人言“看景不如听景,听景不如画景。”予所感而又异。反欲速则不达且调养心静,弃浮忌躁,潜心研习,即欲高谈阔论,何补实际?然吾亦有喜乐。借笔墨姻缘与诸益友函札通往,品茶论画,同道之间互通有无,好一番文人之境。素日,独坐绘事之椅,任凭琴萧灌耳,笔笔留于心间,时速飞逝,偶得几下得意之笔,始而惊,继而喜。何以喜?故长期绘于此事,熟其形,传其神,留走于笔墨之间,畅快淋漓,心目相竞,飘若象外,意其幻成。熟能巧矣!故喜,致此其味乃大甘! To the crowd, painterly life. However, the beginning of the painting, that is different from the painted ink, will be great music. Recently tasted a variety of taste, began to know which suffer half. Let’s talk about it first. The day before yesterday the prairie, wind and smoke all net, Tianshan a color, soft lawn, feet wash Creek, sweeping, instantaneous, open heart chest, the draft does not suffer from less and more, sweat filled, finishing time, but a few come down without a success , Full of passion, a rare release, so self-blame “difficult to paint!” The ancients say “View King is better to listen to the King, Listen King better picture. ” To feel different. Opponents are not up to the speed and calming calm, abandoning floating boast impatience, devote themselves to learning, that is, if you want to talk a long way, what make up real? However, I also have joy. By pen and ink marriage and Zhu Yiyou letters Sapporo access, tea painting on the project, whether there is interoperability between the same, a good scholar of the environment. The prime day, sitting alone on the chair of the painting matter, despite the piano Xiao gully ears, pen pen in the heart, the speed flies, even a few proud of pen, startled and then hi. Why is it hi? So long painted in this matter, cooked its shape, pass on its deeds, stay away from the pen and ink, fun dripping, competing eyes, Gone with the Wind, meaning its fantasy. Cooked so clever! So happy, to this taste is Da Gan!
反坡煤业有限责任公司位于山西省长子县东南部紫云山脚下,东距长晋高速3公里,西距太洛公路、太焦铁路2.5公里,交通十分便利。公司煤矿始建于1991年,属低瓦斯矿井,井田面 Ant
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