朱苏榕在安全战线上已干了七、八个年头 ,从 93年任光泽县副县长到 98年调任顺昌县副县长至今一直都在分管着安全工作。多年来的工作经历更使他深感责任重大 ,如履薄冰 ,这也促使他花比其它工作更多的时间、更多的精力来抓全县的安全生产工作。领导和手脚安全管理是一项具体细?
Zhu Su Rong had worked on the security front for seven or eight years. He has been in charge of security since he was the deputy head of Guangze County in 1993 and the deputy magistrate of Shunchang County in 1998. Over the years, his work experience has made him deeply responsible and tremendous responsibility for the ice, which also prompted him to devote more time and energy to other areas of work safety in the county. Leadership and hands and feet safety management is a specific thin?