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山东省供销社于1997年4月20日~21日,在邹平县召开了全省纺织工业工作会议。这次会议的主题是:传达“国务院关于纺织工业深化改革,调整结构,解困扭亏工作有关问题的通知”精神,研究纺织企业改革和解困的突破口,落实供销社系统压缩淘汰落后纱锭和扭亏解困工作的具体措施。 全省各地市供销社工业管理部门的领导、棉纺织厂厂长等共60余人参加了会议,山东省供销社李戈主任、王兆武副主任、马东向副主任以及滨州地区、邹平县委的有关领导到会并分别作了发言。 会议由山东省供销社科技工业部部长郝衍超同志主持。山东省供销社副主任王兆武同志作了题为“认清形势搞好结构调整,加强管理提高经济效益”的工作报告。根据前不久召开的山东省纺织工业加速改革解困工作会议决定,全省纺织行业三年 The Shandong Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative held the province’s textile industry work conference in Zouping County from April 20 to April 21, 1997. The theme of the conference was to convey the spirit of the “Circular of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Textile Industry, Adjusting the Structure, and Solving the Problems Concerning Turnover and Loss of Loans,” and to study the breakthroughs in the reform and solution of difficulties in textile enterprises, and to implement the system of supply and marketing cooperatives to eliminate the backward spindles and solve the problem Specific measures. More than 60 people, including the leaders of the industrial management departments of the supply and marketing cooperatives across the province and the director of the cotton mill, attended the meeting. Directors Li Ge, Deputy Director Wang Zhaowu, and Deputy Director Ma Dongxiang of the Shandong Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association and the Binzhou and Zouping County Committees Leaders attended the meeting and made speeches respectively. The meeting was chaired by Comrade Hao Yanchao, Minister of Science and Technology Industry of the Shandong Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative. Comrade Wang Zhaowu, deputy director of the Shandong Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative, made a work report entitled “Clearing the situation, doing a good job of structural adjustment, and strengthening management to improve economic efficiency”. According to the decision of the Shandong Province Textile Industry Accelerated Reform and Relief Work Conference that was held not too long ago, the province’s textile industry will be three years old.
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我曾在一篇小文中写过,少年时节,为了释放过剩的精力,我喜欢在住家的公寓大楼的后楼梯跑上跑下。我不乘电梯,喜欢三步一跨,两步一跳,如飞般地跳到五楼的家。有时候穿过某个楼层,见熟人家的后门敞开,我会高兴地一跃而进,那里有一位慈祥的老奶奶,她端坐在那里,见到活泼的我总是慈祥地微笑……  那个公寓,就是茂名南路茂名公寓,它耸立在茂名南路长乐路口。现在它已不复存在。其实大楼还在,只是改变名称,成为锦江饭店的